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project:sdr:tetrapol:howto [2015/11/22 12:50] – [Software How To] pinkyproject:sdr:tetrapol:howto [2016/04/19 03:08] (current) – [Tools usage] ok, round it ;) jenda
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 +===== Software How To =====
 +On Debian install libcmocka-dev libglib2.0-dev libjson-c-dev.
 +Clone the repository, do what README says.
 +==== Tools usage ====
 +  * The scripts in **demod/** directory eat data from SDR and spit out demodulated bits.
 +  * **apps/tetrapol_dump** eats these bits and decodes metadata. Use -t TCH or -t CCH to decode the right channel (switch to the other one if it does not work).
 +Scan for Tetrapol traffic. It is 12.5kHz wide buzzing (when demodulated as FM) usually in the 380-420MHz band.
 +Compute the ARFCN of your station. We believe it is (f-358400000)/12500. E.g. a station at 394425 kHz is channel number 2882.
 +Run the demodulator, passing tetrapol_dump to its pipe. E.g.
 +<code>./ -c 2882 -p 44 -g 40 -O "tetrapol_dump -t TCH"</code>
 +To save raw bits for further experiments, you can for example add the "tee" command to the pipe.
 +If the dumping mysteriously fails, you probably have wrong type of channel. There are CCH channels (broadcast and control messages) and TCH channels (actual traffic is happening here).