−Table of Contents
OSS Crypto support
~~META: status = active &relation firstimage = :project:opensourcecrypto.png ~~
Aim of the project
- privacy should be default not optional
- to associate and motivate people to use cryptography proper way
- fixing bugs that are preventing users use strong crypto, testing, bug reports
- raise awareness on using Open Source software, cryptography solutions for everyday life
- helping people communicate securely (user experience, compatibility)
How to save the world?
Common issues
- make sure user is using proper cipher, key length and configuration, enable Forward secrecy if possible
- found software/hardware with buggy implementation or missing support for proper setup
Call for specific help
- gnupg2 - dirmngr is not able to use hkps (HKP over SSL/TLS properly) bug
- OpenVPN - there is an ongoing support for ECC in OpenVPN 2.4 (with easy-rsa 3.0), learn people generate such certificates, use them, test them between different platforms
- OpenVPN on Mikrotik - support for ECC, and remote Radius server (not funcioning properly according to tests)
- Mailvelope - missing ECC support Integrate fast ECC support (OpenPGP.js)
- Mailvelope - missing PGP/MIME support (including all other GPG sw based on OpenPGP.js .. RainLoop)
- according to some sources AES encryption in todays hard drives is very limited (Hardware-based full disk encryption)
- K-9 (Android) mail missing support for PGP/MIME
- GnuPrivacyGuard is falling on Android5 while is not compilled with PIE
- TextSecure is dropping support for encrypted SMS, leaving “data transfers' as the only option TextSecure nuking encrypted SMS? WTF?!, Encrypted SMS/MMS over GSM optional feature Blog >> Saying goodbye to encrypted SMS/MMS
- GParted is missing LUKS
- Maildroid - passphrase dialog sometimes not started (in case network connectivity not available)
- Chromium/Chrome browser is missing an MasterPassword functionality
- its not possible to use LastPass without cloud synchronization
- Hootsuite for Android is connecting to Linkedin even no such account configured (same with other social network possibly)
- Keysigning parties
- Cryptoparty?
- lightning talks on cryptography
- GnuPG modern
Which Android mail client I should use?
Email client | Crypto provider | supported | not supported |
K-9 mail | APG, OpenKeychain | PGP/inline | PGP/MIME |
Kaiten mail | APG | PGP/inline | PGP/MIME |
Squeaky mail | APG / PGP Keyring | PGP/MIME | |
Maildroid | Flipdog crypto plugin | PGP/MIME, PGP/inline, S/MIME | |
r2mail2 | internal | PGP/MIME, PGP/inline, S/MIME |
crypto provider | exportable |
APG | yes |
OpenKeychain | yes |
Flipdog plugin | probably not |
PGP Keyring | yes |
GNU privacy guard | unable to do anything on Lollipop (not compiled with PIE support) |
Related projects
project/opensourcecrypto/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/28 01:50 by ruza