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founder: mario
depends on:
interested: b00lean
software license:
hardware license:

We would like to buy FABtotum for BRMlab.
There is a campaign on Indiegogo where the FABtotum can be ordered.

We should get the FABtotum in July 2014 or later (3rd batch) UPDATES:

People who contributed so far:

who amount
mario 1000 CZK
pasky 1000 CZK
pborky 1000 CZK
b00lean 1000 CZK
JoHnY 1000 CZK
niekt0 1000 CZK
Ondrej Mikle 1000 CZK
Eliáš 1000 CZK
Total 8000 CZK

(goal is to collect 21 463,67 CZK)

GENERAL BYTES s.r.o. ordered and paid FABtotum for BRMlab.
Contributions accepted!
Please contribute any amount to b00lean's bank account 2000475005/2010 and don't forget to mention your name in transaction description.
project/fabtotum.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 14:21 by root