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Printable equipment

Printable lab equipment
founder: sumie-dh
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~~META: status = archieved &relation firstimage = :project:printedeq.jpg ~~

Disclaimer: Dneska uz temer netisknem, pouze male velmi custom veci. Na vsechno ostatni jsou tu standardni lab vendori. Je to rychlejsi a dneska ten plastik vyjde cenove cca na stejno, nekdy i levneji.

Collection of printable HW, gadgets and laboratory equipment made in brmlab.

Original content

Works of brmlab members, printed and tested.

Hardware & gadgets

camera.jpg Camera holder Tripod mount for CCD camera frequently used for meteor and upper atmospheric lightning observing M4 female screw



svititko.jpg LED mounting pad Get rid of bubbles on your freshly mounted histology slides you need: 12V LED strip, wiring, solder, glass
Base molds - big samples Base molds and cassettes for paraffin tissue block. Note you will deal with higher temperatures during embedding so try avoid materials sensitive to this. ready for use
Base molds - medium sized samples
Base molds - small samples
Base molds - tiny samples
Histology Cassette - top
Histology Cassette - bottom


krytka.jpg Carl Zeiss Dovetail Cap That darn [often lost somewhere in lab mess] thing for your trinocular tubus ready for use
Carl Zeiss dovetail - EF mount adapter Mount for Canon DLSR to classic Carl Zeiss Jena microscopes - tested with Neophot 32, Jenaval, Jenamed and Fluoval [Amplival based] ready for use
Carl Zeiss Jenamed glass holder Glass holder for Jenamed stage ready for use
Carl Zeiss Neophot32 glass holder Glass holder for Neophot32 stage ready for use
Carl Zeiss Neophot32 sample holder Sample holder for Neophot32 stage ready for use
mac_mou.jpg Carl Zeiss Neophot32 - EF mount adapter Mount for Canon DLSR for Neophot32 microscope


'Do want' models and ideas - some will soon move to 'Original content' section

Preparation needle Staining dishes for 76×52 slides Hot plate for histology

Models from others

Models from other corners of internet.

project/3dlabequip/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/21 23:30 by sumie-dh