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founder: niekt0
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Documentation of the Brmlab fotovoltaic instalation:


Current goal was to lower down the lab power consumption (at cheapest possible price). The current system does NOT work as the island system. We have no batteries, and in case of power outage, the fotovoltaic panels does not provide electricity.

The used inverter works only on one a single AC phase. Therefore only BLUE power plugs in the lab are using a solar energy. All devices with permanent power consumption should be plugged into to the BLUE power plugs.

The panel together could produce up to 10×285 = 2850 Wats, the invertor is limited only to 1800 (max. peak 2000W). However this should be OK, as the panels are not in ideal orientation (cca 45 degrees instead of optimal 30-35), and the is also some power loss on the cables to the roof, and invertor can limit the current from panels.

The invetor uses a sonde measuring current power consumption in the lab, so there is no electricity flow back to the public network. The sonde should be on the black power cable, with the arrow facing down.

Fotovoltaic pannels ale connected always in a couple of 2 in serial connection (to get the proper voltage level), and couples are connected in parallel. XXX picture.

TODO: The invertor have an active cooling systems. Most of the time it can cool itself with a passive cooling system, however sometimes the fan goes on, and is quite noisy. Solve the noise level, or try to improve the pasive cooling effectivity
TODO: Invertor monitoring. There is an debug port on the invertor, find out how to use it.
TODO: Ad fuses, just to be sure?
TODO: Maybe open source/hw invertor in the future? Full featured island system?
Never unplug the cables from fotovoltaic system, while the system is turned on. Sparks can appear, and you can damage the inverter/panels/yourself. Even with the system off, the wires will still produce a significant current when connected directly together, during the daylight
project/solaaare.1635445422.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/28 18:23 by niekt0