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project:gsm:deka:deka-internals [2015/08/31 21:39] – typo jendaproject:gsm:deka:deka-internals [2015/09/02 03:38] (current) – [Architecture overview] jenda
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 +====== Architecture overview ======
 +paplon is the TCP server. It queues work.
 +oclvankus downloads work for chain computation. It uses slice.c OpenCL kernel. The kernel is generated by genkernel scripts.
 +delta_client downloads work for table lookup.
 +Most of it is Python. oclvankus OpenCL interface was very slow in Python, so several key functions were rewritten to C and wrapped with swig. This is called libvankus.
 +delta lookups are facilitated by functions in delta.c, again, linked with swig to delta_client.
 +The cracking process works like this:
 +  * Client submits "crack 010101…" on tcp/1578
 +  * The keystream is sent to oclvankus. Distinguished points are computed and burst is returned.
 +  * Distinguished points are sent to delta_client. Corresponding starting points are looked up in the tables. If nothing is found, zeros are returned.
 +  * Keystream and starting points are sent to oclvankus. The chains are regenerated from the starting points and compared to the keystream. If secret states (the chainlink immediately preceding a successful comparison) are found, they are sent to paplon and then to clients.
 +===== Network protocol =====
 +Client connects to server and sends "command param1 param2 .. paramN\r\n<binary data>" (command and parameters are separated by spaces). Parameters are command-dependent, usually one of them specifies the length of the binary part (if there is any).
 +The response is in similar format.
 +Client-exposed commands are "crack" and "stats". "crack" accepts keystream as a parameter, "stats" has no parameter and prints out some info about server load (namely how many bursts are in which stage of cracking).
 +Internal commands are the rq_* functions in source code. We provide python docstrings for them, keeping a copy in wiki would be prone to obsolence.
 +===== Keystream data format =====
 +Keystream is 114 bits in ASCII (string of ASCII '0's and '1's). Example: client sends:
 +crack 110000111101111011011100000111011000010010011010101010110010100010010101010101000110010101011010101000101001000000
 +===== Burst data format =====
 +Bursts are sent 1) with computed endpoints (to delta_client), 2) with corresponding startpoints (from delta_client).
 +Burst is composed of number_of_tables * number_of_keystream_samples * number_of_colors = 40 * 51 * 8 = 16320 parts called fragments.
 +The binary format is simply uint64_t[16320].
 +We don't care about endianness, but it has to be the same on all of your devices. As you are probably using amd64, it is little endian.
 +===== clblob data format =====
 +clblob is submitted by userspace library (oclvankus) to the computing kernel (slice.c), then computing is carried and the result is pushed from the kernel back to oclvankus.
 +Each fragment in the clblob is specified by uint64_t[4].
 +<code>struct frag {
 +  uint64_t prng;      // cipher internal state
 +  uint64_t rf;        // constant that is XORed in after each round
 +  uint64_t challenge; // cipher state we are hunting for
 +  uint64_t flags;
 +0x01 = End of color (i.e., 12 bits zero) reached
 +0x02 = Challenge found, the secret cipher state is in frag.prng.
 +===== "return" messages =====
 +Once the client submits a job (114 bits of A5/1 keystream) using the "crack" command, job number is assigned by the server. This is reported as "Cracking #<job_number> <keystream_again>".
 +If the secret state is found, a message is generated: "Found <secret_state_in_hexadecimal> @ <position> #<job_number> (table:<table_id>)".
 +Once the job is finished (all fragments have been computed), "took" message is generated: "crack #<job_number> took <number> msec".
 +These messages are sent to all clients that have submitted a "crack" command.
 +===== "stats" message =====
 +The client can enter "stats" command. The server prints how many bursts are queued in which stage of cracking.
 +submitted: N
 +dpsearch: N
 +endpoints: N
 +startsearch: N
 +startpoints: N
 +collsearch: N
 +finished: N