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project:brainmachine:start [2016/11/25 06:16] ruzaproject:brainmachine:start [2016/11/28 02:46] (current) ruza
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 +====== BRainMachine ======
 +{{template>:project:infobox| name=Photo-Acustic Brain Stimulator| image=brainmachine-brm.jpg?200| founder=[[user:ruza]]| depends=[[event:mitchaltmanworkshop]]| interested=[[user:harvie]]| sw=CC BY-SA 2.5v| status=completed}}
 +status = completed
 +&relation firstimage = :project:brainmachine-brm.jpg
 +DIY Brainmachine, Brainwave stimulator, Binaural generator, PsychoWalkman - Device for inducing altered statesof mind including
 +  * Deep relaxation
 +  * Increased awareness
 +  * Better performance memory
 +  * Affecting neural connections between hemispheres
 +  * Dream-like states
 +===== Status =====
 +Soldered by [[:user:ruza|ruza]] at [[:event:mitchaltmanworkshop|Mitch Altman workshop]]. It works! :) These [[|images]] showed variant where LED diods are mounted from inner side of the glasses emiting light into the space before eyes. Next step was turn LEDs reversed (emiting light against closed eyes). Visual results are stronger but could be evaluted by experimental subjecs beeing too agresive even for closed eyes.
 +Ideas on follow-up investigation and experiments with this equipment are welcome.
 +===== Info =====
 +  * [[|]]
 +  * [[|]]
 +  * [[|]]
 +  * Note that it all may be one big auto-suggestion as this [[|article]] suggests. [[:user:czestmyr|czestmyr]]
 +===== Hardware =====
 +<note> [[|]] [[|]] </note>
 +  *  [[|]]
 +      * Atmel, ATtiny2313
 +<code c>
 +The hardware for this project is very simple:
 +     ATtiny2313 has 20 pins:
 +       pin 1   connects to serial port programming circuitry
 +       pin 10  ground
 +       pin 12  PB0 - Left eye LED1
 +       pin 13  PB1 - Right eye LED1
 +       pin 14  OC0A - Left ear speaker (base-frequency)
 +       pin 15  OC1A - Right ear speaker (Offset Frequencies for binaural beats)
 +       pin 17  connects to serial port programming circuitry
 +       pin 18  connects to serial port programming circuitry
 +       pin 19  connects to serial port programming circuitry
 +       pin 20  +3v
 +    All other pins are unused
 +    This firmware requires that the clock frequency of the ATtiny
 +      is the default that it is shipped with:  8.0MHz
 +Table of values for meditation
 +start with lots of Beta (awake / conscious)
 +Add Alpha (dreamy / trancy to connect with subconscious Theta that'll be coming up)
 +reduce Beta (less conscious)
 +start adding Theta (more subconscious)
 +pulse in some Delta (creativity)
 +and then reverse the above to come up refreshed
 +^  default slm.c values  ^^^^^^      |
 +^  vawe  ^  ear  ^^  Binaural beat frequency  ^  LED  ^|     |
 +^Left (0C0A) ^Right (0C1A) ^::: | left (PB0) ^right (PB1) |  |
 +|beta (12-30Hz) |  200.321Hz |  214.719Hz |  14.4Hz |  34.7ms |  34.7ms |  mental work, \\ active thinking, \\ active concentration |    |
 +|  alpha (8-12Hz) |  200.321Hz |  211.416Hz |  11.1Hz |  45.1ms |  45.0ms |  relaxing, learning |    |
 +|  theta (4-7Hz) |  200.321Hz |  206.324Hz |  6.0Hz |  83.5ms |  83.5ms |  asleep, creativity |    |
 +|  delta (0-4Hz) |  200.321Hz |  202.521Hz |  2.2Hz |  225.3ms |  225.3ms |  deep sleep |    |
 +<code c>
 +vim slm.c:
 +  struct brainwaveElement {
 +  char bwType;  // 'a' for Alpha, 'b' for Beta, 't' for Theta, or 'd' for Delta ('0' signifies last entry in table
 +  unsigned long int bwDuration;  // Duration of this Brainwave Type (divide by 10,000 to get seconds)
 +} const brainwaveTab[] PROGMEM = {
 +  { 'b', 600000 },
 +  { 'a', 100000 },
 +  { 'b', 200000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 'b', 150000 },
 +  { 'a', 200000 },
 +  { 'b', 100000 },
 +  { 'a', 300000 },
 +  { 'b',  50000 },
 +  { 'a', 600000 },
 +  { 't', 100000 },
 +  { 'a', 300000 },
 +  { 't', 200000 },
 +  { 'a', 300000 },
 +  { 't', 300000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 't', 600000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 'b',  10000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 't', 600000 },
 +  { 'd',  10000 },
 +  { 't', 100000 },
 +  { 'd',  10000 },
 +  { 't', 100000 },
 +  { 'd',  10000 },
 +  { 't', 300000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 'b',  10000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 't', 300000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 'b',  10000 },
 +  { 'a', 200000 },
 +  { 'b',  50000 },
 +  { 'a', 200000 },
 +  { 'b', 150000 },
 +  { 'a', 150000 },
 +  { 'b', 200000 },
 +  { 'a', 100000 },
 +  { 'b', 250000 },
 +  { 'a',  50000 },
 +  { 'b', 600000 },
 +  { '0',      0 }
 +<code bash>
 +ruza@azur:~/slm$ avrdude -p attiny2313 -P /dev/ttyUSB3 -c dasa -U flash:w:slm.hex
 +avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
 +Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.30s
 +avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e910a
 +avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
 +         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
 +avrdude: erasing chip
 +avrdude: reading input file "slm.hex"
 +avrdude: input file slm.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
 +avrdude: writing flash (880 bytes):
 +Writing | ################################################## | 100% 88.24s
 +avrdude: 880 bytes of flash written
 +avrdude: verifying flash memory against slm.hex:
 +avrdude: load data flash data from input file slm.hex:
 +avrdude: input file slm.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
 +avrdude: input file slm.hex contains 880 bytes
 +avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:
 +Reading | ################################################## | 100% 85.58s
 +avrdude: verifying ...
 +avrdude: 880 bytes of flash verified
 +avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK
 +avrdude done.  Thank you.
 +===== Software =====
 +  * [[|]]
 +  * [[|]] (use your computer as strobe)