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project:android:grouper [2016/01/04 20:30] – [conclusion] yanproject:android:grouper [2016/02/14 09:37] (current) yan
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== CM Grouper from source ======
 +Grouper is an N7 tablet with only wifi and without integrated 3G support, that means that [[ | Baseband Processor]] related insecurity does not bother you on this device. It has been included in AOSP project for a long time. With easy-to-acquire source code and binary blobs it has become very popular amongs rom fiddlers and hackers.
 +=== Useful CM compiling related links ===
 +  * [[ | Nightly LOG - see changes what was applied to the source code related to grouper ]]
 +  * [[ | CMwiki entry for building grouper from source ]]
 +===== Cherry-picking SlimRecents to CM 12.1 =====
 +This guide is example of **succesfull cherry-pick** of slightly advanced feature to android OS. Purpose of this guide is to show an easy approach to cherry-picking more complex features in case you have almost no experience with Android, git and programming itself. I would like to declare this approach as **[[ | cargo-cult]] cherry picking** due to methodology used in this guide. It is not straight-forward guide how to pick feature, instead it shows how to sucesfully resolve conflicts. It also shows a few dead ends as example of what you (and I) could overlook. I do not declare that this implementation of slimrecent is good or anything near to it. It is just guide/tutorial on how to cherry-pick slightly more complex feature, nothing more.
 +==== Setting-up enviroment ====
 +First you need to set up nice working enviroment (ugly part will come pretty fast). This guide was tested on Nexus 2012 (wifi) (aka grouper) with CM12.1 as source.
 +  * follow [[ | build from source guide ]]
 +  * dont forget to [[ | extract proprietary blobs ]]
 +  * try to compile clean code (without cherry-pick) first and **test it on your device** , if something doesnt work try to read [[ | build from source guide ]] carefully.
 +==== Find commit you want to cherry pick ====
 +  * In our case it is [[ | this ]] commit.
 +  * It is very helpful to see this commit already cherry-picked in another project, in my case I used [[ | TeamTwisted ]] and [[
 +b059e | CarbonROM ]] as guides. Best scenario is to find ROMs which are very similar to your source code (so with almost no features implemented).
 +  * By checking commited files history it is obvious that they performed clean-up after cherry-pick: [[ | TT cleanup ]] , [[
 +f94ed | CR cleanup ]] in CR they cleaned up after more commits, so there is some unrelated stuff too.
 +==== Getting new repo ====
 +If you read [[ | original commit description ]], you will notice that **this patch needs a new repo: frameworks_opt_cards which is a central repo to get any kind of googles cards style.** (it is first note in commit description).
 +Add frameworks_opt_cards repo:
 +you need to edit **~/android/system/.repo/manifests/default.xml**
 +  * First add SlimRoms remote
 +  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 +  2 <manifest>
 +  3 
 +  4   <remote  name="aosp"
 +  5            fetch=""
 +  6            review=""
 +  7            revision="refs/tags/android-5.1.1_r26" />
 +  8 
 +  9   <remote  name="github"
 + 10            fetch=".."
 + 11            review="" />
 + 12 
 + 13   <remote  name="private"
 + 14            fetch="ssh://" />
 + 15 
 + 16   <remote  name="slimrom"
 + 17            fetch="" />
 + 18 
 + 19   <default revision="refs/heads/cm-12.1"
 + 20            remote="github"
 + 21            sync-c="true"
 + 22            sync-j="4" />
 + </code>
 +  * Than you can easily add frameworks_opt_cards repo
 +594   <project path="vendor/cm" name="CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm" />
 +595   <project path="vendor/cmsdk" name="CyanogenMod/cm_platform_sdk" />
 +596   <project path="frameworks/opt/cards" name="frameworks_opt_cards" remote="slimrom" revision="lp5.1" />
 +==== Cherry pick ====
 +Now comes the first attempt to cherry pick slimrecents commit from SlimRoms following [[ | this useful guide]]:
 +$cd ~/android/system/frameworks/base
 +$git fetch
 +It should take some time..
 +After we fetch the repo it's finally time to perform cherry-pick
 +$git cherry-pick 2b4aea893a916cf7f60b3c809f5a7bc616041058
 +After few seconds you should get something that looks approximately like this
 +error: could not apply 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
 +hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
 +hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
 +Git told you by this that there are some conflicts which need to be resolved manually.
 +By typing
 +$git status
 +You get long list of changes to be commited and on the bottom there are few files in red color, in this case:
 +Unmerged paths:
 +  (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
 +        both modified:      core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl
 +        deleted by us:      core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml
 +        both modified:      packages/SystemUI/
 +        both modified:      packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
 +        deleted by us:      packages/SystemUI/res/values/slim_colors.xml
 +        both modified:      packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/
 +        both modified:      packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/
 +In these files you need to resolve conflicts manually.
 +==== Resolving conflicts ====
 +  * **both modified:      core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl**
 +<<<<<<< HEAD
 +283 =======
 +285     /**
 +286      * Toggle global menu
 +287      *
 +288      * @hide
 +289      */
 +290     void toggleGlobalMenu();
 +292     /**
 +293      * Get current system ui visibility mode.
 +294      *
 +295      * @hide
 +296      */
 +297     int getSystemUIVisibility();
 +298 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +299 }
 +Probably no big deal, lets try to implement those few lines, probably no one gets hurt.
 +  * **deleted by us:      core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml**
 +When you look into file you see some symbol definitions, probably nothing to edit.
 +  * **both modified:      packages/SystemUI/**
 + 13 <<<<<<< HEAD
 + 14     org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk
 + 15 =======
 + 16     android-opt-cards
 + 17 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +It looks like that in slimrecent they dont use org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk package (how unexpected.. ) and in SR they need android-opt-cards (which author mentioned in the initial commit for SlimRecents). Let both live freely.
 +  * **both modified:      packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml**
 +326 <<<<<<< HEAD
 +327 =======
 +329     <bool name="config_enablePerfBoostForShutterAnimation">false</bool>
 +330     <integer name="shutteranimationboost_timeout_param">0</integer>
 +331     <integer name="shutteranimationboost_schedboost_param">0</integer>
 +332     <integer name="shutteranimationboost_cpuboost_param">0</integer>
 +334     <!-- Sensivity of pie gestures controlls.
 +335         Must be minimum 1 and maximum 10 (See
 +336         Default for pie is high sensivity -->
 +337     <integer name="pie_gesture_sensivity">8</integer>
 +339     <!-- Default value how much apps show the app screenshot on recents view entry -->
 +340     <integer name="expanded_items_default">2</integer>
 +342 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +That looks interesting, lets take a closer look:
 +in [[ | github entry of cherrypicked commit ]] we see that only value which was modified (added in this case) was **expanded_items_default**. Other stuff looks like unrelated, so lets delete it. If it is something important, we will probably notice soon.
 +  * **deleted by us:      packages/SystemUI/res/values/slim_colors.xml**
 +  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +  2 <!--
 +  3      Copyright (C) 2015 The SlimRoms Project
 +  4      Copyright (C) 2014 The CyanogenMod Project
 +  5 
 +  6      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 +  7      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 +  8      You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +  9 
 + 10 
 + 11 
 + 12      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + 13      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + 14      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + 15      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + 16      limitations under the License.
 + 17 -->
 + 18 <resources>
 + 19 
 + 20     <!-- tint of the Visualizer tile -->
 + 21     <color name="visualizer_fill_color">#96FFFFFF</color>
 + 22     <color name="battery_level_color">#ffffffff</color>
 + 23 
 + 24     <!-- Quick tile text color when the tile is disabled -->
 + 25     <color name="qs_tile_text_disabled">#ff747474</color>
 + 26 
 + 27     <!-- Recents -->
 + 28     <color name="recents_empty_dark_color">#ff4d4d4d</color>
 + 29     <color name="recents_empty_light_color">#ffb3b3b3</color>
 + 30 
 + 31     <!-- Slim recent -->
 + 32     <color name="recent_background">#80000000</color>
 + 33 
 + 34     <!-- Card Color -->
 + 35     <color name="card_background">#ffffffff</color>
 + 36     <color name="card_background_header">#00ffffff</color>
 + 37     <color name="card_backgroundExpand">#00ffffff</color>
 + 38 
 + 39     <color name="card_text_color_header">#ff000000</color>
 + 40 
 + 41     <!-- Used by selector -->
 + 42     <color name="card_pressed">#7e3c3c3c</color>
 + 43 
 + 44 </resources>
 +Looks like Cyanogenmod deprecated this config, as we see in [[
 +58#diff-04f61a8bb1b06f353136985680365044 | github entry of cherrypicked commit ]] only few things were added, lets delete stuff which is probably unrelated analogously to previous file. Now it looks like this:
 +  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +  2 <!--
 +  3      Copyright (C) 2015 The SlimRoms Project
 +  4      Copyright (C) 2014 The CyanogenMod Project
 +  5 
 +  6      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 +  7      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 +  8      You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +  9 
 + 10 
 + 11 
 + 12      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + 13      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + 14      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + 15      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + 16      limitations under the License.
 + 17 -->
 + 18 <resources>
 + 19 
 + 20     <!-- Recents -->
 + 21     <color name="recents_empty_dark_color">#ff4d4d4d</color>
 + 22     <color name="recents_empty_light_color">#ffb3b3b3</color>
 + 23 
 + 24     <!-- Slim recent -->
 + 25     <color name="recent_background">#80000000</color>
 + 26 
 + 27     <!-- Card Color -->
 + 28     <color name="card_background">#ffffffff</color>
 + 29     <color name="card_background_header">#00ffffff</color>
 + 30     <color name="card_backgroundExpand">#00ffffff</color>
 + 31     
 + 32     <color name="card_text_color_header">#ff000000</color>
 + 33 
 + 34     <!-- Used by selector -->
 + 35     <color name="card_pressed">#7e3c3c3c</color>
 + 36     
 + 37 </resources>
 +  * **both modified:      packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/**
 + 101 <<<<<<< HEAD
 + 102 =======
 + 103 import;
 + 104 import;
 + 105 import;
 + 106 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +RecentControler and NavigationBarOverlay looks valid as it is only thing which was added by [[ | commit]]
 +Lets delete the rest.
 +  * **both modified:      packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/**
 + 486 <<<<<<< HEAD
 + 487 =======
 + 488             resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 489                     Settings.System.HEADS_UP_SNOOZE_TIME),
 + 490                     false, this, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
 + 491             resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 492                     Settings.System.PIE_CONTROLS), false, this,
 + 493                     UserHandle.USER_ALL);
 + 494             resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 495                     Settings.System.USE_SLIM_RECENTS), false, this,
 + 496                     UserHandle.USER_ALL);
 + 497             resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 498                     Settings.System.RECENT_CARD_BG_COLOR), false, this,
 + 499                     UserHandle.USER_ALL);
 + 500             resolver.registerContentObserver(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 501                     Settings.System.RECENT_CARD_TEXT_COLOR), false, this,
 + 502                     UserHandle.USER_ALL);
 + 503 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +Here once again - we probably need only SlimRecents related stuff, that means: **USE_SLIM_RECENTS ; RECENT_CARD_BG_COLOR ; RECENT_CARD_TEXT_COLOR**
 + 546 <<<<<<< HEAD
 + 547 =======
 + 548             } else if (uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 549                     Settings.System.NAVIGATION_BAR_CAN_MOVE))) {
 + 550                 prepareNavigationBarView();
 + 551             } else if (uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 552                     Settings.System.USE_SLIM_RECENTS))) {
 + 553                 updateRecents();
 + 554             } else if (uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 555                     Settings.System.RECENT_CARD_BG_COLOR))
 + 556                     || uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 557                     Settings.System.RECENT_CARD_TEXT_COLOR))) {
 + 558                 rebuildRecentsScreen();
 + 559 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 +Here it looks like it is little bit out of context (things which are near do not look like related stuff).
 + 532             if (oldClockView != mClockView) {
 + 533                 // if the new clock position is outside the system icon area, make the alp     ha
 + 534                 // and visibility match the system icon area alpha/visibility
 + 535                 if (isClockLocationOutsideSystemIconArea(mClockLocation)) {
 + 536                     mClockView.setAlpha(mSystemIconArea.getAlpha());
 + 537                     mClockView.setVisibility(mSystemIconArea.getVisibility());
 + 538                 }
 + 539 
 + 540                 // if the old clock position it outside the system icon area, make it opaq     ue
 + 541                 // and set visibility to gone
 + 542                 if (isClockLocationOutsideSystemIconArea(oldClockLocation)) {
 + 543                     oldClockView.setAlpha(1f);
 + 544                     oldClockView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
 + 545                 }
 + 546 <<<<<<< HEAD
 + 547 =======
 + 548             } else if (uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 549                     Settings.System.NAVIGATION_BAR_CAN_MOVE))) {
 + 550                 prepareNavigationBarView();
 + 551             } else if (uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 552                     Settings.System.USE_SLIM_RECENTS))) {
 + 553                 updateRecents();
 + 554             } else if (uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 555                     Settings.System.RECENT_CARD_BG_COLOR))
 + 556                     || uri.equals(Settings.System.getUriFor(
 + 557                     Settings.System.RECENT_CARD_TEXT_COLOR))) {
 + 558                 rebuildRecentsScreen();
 + 559 >>>>>>> 2b4aea8... Frameworks: Slim Recents app screen (1/2)
 + 560             }
 + 561 
 + 562             boolean navLeftInLandscape = Settings.System.getIntForUser(resolver,
 + 563                     Settings.System.NAVBAR_LEFT_IN_LANDSCAPE, 0, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT)      == 1;
 + 564             if (mNavigationBarView != null) {
 + 565                 mNavigationBarView.setLeftInLandscape(navLeftInLandscape);
 + 566             }
 +"if (oldClockView != mClockView)" and "else if uri.equals" dont look like they are even closely related. Let search for some "uri.equals" in CM original code -> nothing. Lets look into [[ | SR git source code at the time of commit ]].
 +From SR source code we can see that it is under **public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri)** void.
 +We have **public void onChange** with variable **selfChange** but without variable **uri**, and code uses parameter uri. That means we need to add new void to our source code and put that few lines into it, or try to delete it and see the result. First we try to delete it, if it causes some troubles we could try to implement new onChange function.
 +  * **Now lets try to compile**
 +$ cd ~/android/system/
 +$ source build/
 +$ breakfast grouper
 +$ croot
 +$ brunch grouper
 +after a while..
 +"ebtables is disabled on this build"
 +make: Entering directory `/home/maker/android/system'
 +frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/ *** missing separator.  Stop.
 +make: Leaving directory `/home/maker/android/system'
 +#### make failed to build some targets (04:04 (mm:ss)) ####
 +Little mistake ..
 +$ vi frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/
 +  ... 
 + 10     android-support-v7-palette \
 + 11     android-support-v4 \
 + 12     android-visualizer \
 + 13     org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk
 + 14     android-opt-cards
 +  ...
 + 13     org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk \
 + 14     android-opt-cards
 +  * **And again**
 +$ brunch grouper
 +after a while..
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:116: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_pie' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:117: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_power' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:118: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_power_menu' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:119: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_quicksettings' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:120: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_recent' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:121: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_ring_vib_silent' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:122: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_screenshot' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:123: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_search' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:100: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_silent' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:101: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_theme_switch' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:102: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_torch' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:103: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_vib' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:125: error: Symbol 'ic_shortcut_action_volume_panel' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:78: error: Symbol 'disable_navigation_pie_error' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:72: error: Symbol 'disable_pie_navigation_error' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:76: error: Symbol 'global_actions_nav_bar_mode_off_status' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:75: error: Symbol 'global_actions_nav_bar_mode_on_status' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:70: error: Symbol 'global_actions_pie_mode_off_status' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:69: error: Symbol 'global_actions_pie_mode_on_status' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:129: error: Symbol 'notification_flashlight_on_summary' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:128: error: Symbol 'notification_flashlight_on_title' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:41: error: Symbol 'permission' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml:61: error: Symbol 'reboot_system' declared with <java-symbol> not defined
 +make: *** [/home/maker/android/system511/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/package-export.apk] Error 1
 +make: *** Deleting file `/home/maker/android/system511/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/package-export.apk'
 +make: Leaving directory `/home/maker/android/system511'
 +#### make failed to build some targets (02:42 (mm:ss)) ####
 +Looks like slim_symbols.xml need some changes..
 +$ vi frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/slim_symbols.xml
 +  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +  2 <!--
 +  3 /* Copyright 2013-2015, SlimRoms project
 +  4 **
 +  5 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 +  6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 +  7 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +  8 **
 +  9 **
 + 10 **
 + 11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + 12 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + 13 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + 14 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + 15 ** limitations under the License.
 + 16 */
 + 17 -->
 + 18 <resources>
 + 19 
 + 20   <!-- Slim recent app screen-->
 + 21   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_recentDefaultDur" />
 + 22   <java-symbol type="integer" name="config_recentExitDur" />
 + 23   <java-symbol type="style" name="Animation.RecentScreen" />
 + 24   <java-symbol type="style" name="Animation.RecentScreen.Left" />
 + 25   <java-symbol type="anim" name="recent_screen_enter" />
 + 26   <java-symbol type="anim" name="recent_screen_enter_left" />
 + 27   <java-symbol type="anim" name="recent_screen_fade_out" />
 + 28   
 + 29 </resources>
 +this should do the trick..
 +  * **And again**
 +$ brunch grouper
 +make: *** No rule to make target `/home/maker/android/system511/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/android-opt-cards_intermediates/javalib.jar',
 +needed by `/home/maker/android/system511/out/target/common/obj/APPS/SystemUI_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar' Stop.
 +make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
 +Lets try if it isnt some compilation garbage..
 +$ make clean
 +$ breakfast grouper
 +$ croot
 +$ brunch grouper
 +**and delete all files in ccache**
 +still same .. lets think for a while.. 
 +**whoops.. we (I) forgot** to sync new repo.. no pain no gain.
 +== syncing new repo ==
 +$ repo sync
 +== continue with cherry-pick==
 +now we should be back on track..
 +$ source build/envsetup
 +$ breakfast grouper
 +$ croot
 +$ brunch grouper
 +if you really deleted all your ccache and commited **make clean** command now its time for you to grab a beer and have some **[[ | real-life]]**. if not then you're lucky and next compilation should take less time.
 +target Java: SettingsProvider (/home/maker/android/system/out/target/common/obj/APPS/SettingsProvider_intermediates/classes)
 +Install: /home/maker/android/system/out/target/product/grouper/system/priv-app/SharedStorageBackup/SharedStorageBackup.apk
 +target Static Jar: Keyguard (/home/maker/android/system/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/Keyguard_intermediates/javalib.jar)
 +target Package: Tag (/home/maker/android/system/out/target/product/grouper/obj/APPS/Tag_intermediates/package.apk)
 +frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ error: WindowManagerService is not abstract 
 +and does not override abstract method toggleGlobalMenu() in IWindowManager
 +Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 +Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 +public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
 +       ^
 +Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 +Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 +Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
 +Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
 +1 error
 +make: packages/apps/Tag/res/drawable-hdpi/tag_scan_illustration.png: libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited
 +*** [/home/maker/android/system511/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/services.core_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] Error 41
 +make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
 +Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines versionCode (in; using existing value in manifest.
 +Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines versionName (in; using existing value in manifest.
 +DroidDoc took 17 sec. to write docs to /home/maker/android/system/out/target/common/docs/system-api-stubs
 +make: Leaving directory `/home/maker/android/system'
 +#### make failed to build some targets (02:58:55 (hh:mm:ss)) ####
 +lets check [[ | SlimRom version of file ]]
 +    @Override
 +    public float getCurrentAnimatorScale() {
 +        synchronized(mWindowMap) {
 +            return mAnimationsDisabled ? 0 : mAnimatorDurationScaleSetting;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    /* @hide */
 +     @Override
 +    public void toggleGlobalMenu() {
 +        mPolicy.toggleGlobalMenu();
 +    }
 +    void dispatchNewAnimatorScaleLocked(Session session) {
 +        mH.obtainMessage(H.NEW_ANIMATOR_SCALE, session).sendToTarget();
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public void registerPointerEventListener(PointerEventListener listener) {
 +        mPointerEventDispatcher.registerInputEventListener(listener);
 +    }
 +lets **add void toggleGlobalMenu()** and see result.
 +frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ error: cannot find symbol
 +        mPolicy.toggleGlobalMenu();
 +               ^
 +  symbol:   method toggleGlobalMenu()
 +  location: variable mPolicy of type WindowManagerPolicy
 +Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 +Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 +Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
 +Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
 +1 error
 +make: *** [/home/maker/android/system/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/services.core_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] Error 41
 +make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
 +make: Leaving directory `/home/maker/android/system'
 +#### make failed to build some targets (06:25 (mm:ss)) ####
 +So something in WindowManagePolicy and that GlobalMenu..
 + $ cd ~/android/system/frameworks/base
 + $ find  . -name WindowManagerPolicy*
 +Lets look at [[ | - slimrom version ]] 
 +    /**
 +     * Notifies the keyguard to start fading out.
 +     *
 +     * @param startTime the start time of the animation in uptime milliseconds
 +     * @param fadeoutDuration the duration of the exit animation, in milliseconds
 +     */
 +    public void startKeyguardExitAnimation(long startTime, long fadeoutDuration);
 +    /**
 +     * Toggle global menu
 +     *
 +     * @hide
 +     */
 +    public void toggleGlobalMenu();
 +just add toggleGlobalMenu as implemented in SlimRom and see what happens.
 +error: PhoneWindowManager is not abstract and does not override abstract method toggleGlobalMenu() 
 +in WindowManagerPolicy
 +public class PhoneWindowManager implements WindowManagerPolicy {
 +       ^
 +Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 +Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 +1 error
 +Global menu everywhere !!! .. **it is NOT** part of original slimrecents commit -> lets try to get rid of it..
 + $ cd ~/android/system/frameworks/base
 + $ grep -RE toggleGlobalMenu
 +core/java/android/view/IWindowManager.aidl:    void toggleGlobalMenu();
 +core/java/android/view/    public void toggleGlobalMenu();
 +search is finished, now you juts get rid of it..
 +  * **and brunch again**
 +Package Complete: /home/maker/android/system/out/target/product/grouper/
 +make: Leaving directory `/home/maker/android/system'
 +#### make completed successfully (33:21 (mm:ss)) ####
 +Now is time for runtime..
 +And everything looks like Oook.
 +==checking for problems/bugs==
 + $ adb logcat
 +E/WindowManager(  520): Unknown window type: 2033
 +boot into some official snapsoht:
 +no errors in the logcat, probably fault on our implementation side. But the feature works, so who cares. When you try to google it, you see that [[ | you're not alone]].
 +==== Commiting cherry-pick ====
 +$ cd frameworks/base/
 +$ git status
 +$ git add --all
 +$ git commit
 +==== Conclusion ====
 +If you went through whole tutorial, you sucesfully implemented SlimRecents to your ROM in [[ | cargo-cult]] fashion. To be nice-coded you should:
 +  * Go through codes and understand a little logic behind whole slimrecent feature
 +  * Try to make some nice settings button to switch between normal Recents and SlimRecents, or remove normal recents - now it is a dead code in your rom
 +  * Get rid of error "Unknown Window type" by solving it.
 +===== Debundling build & GAPPS =====
 +Cyanogenmod comes with many bundled features which i never use. If you want to remove them here are list of things which i found to be probably safe to remove.
 +For further reading [[ | Barebones entry on CM wiki]] is pretty useful.
 +==== Debundling CM build ====
 +i used nice script for finding correct .mk files which needed to be modified (thx. 2 **[[user:da3m0n22]]**)
 +grep -RE $UnwantedPackage --include *.mk
 +**Dont forget to remove already compiled packages in /out directory**
 +compiled app adresses:
 +  * out/target/product/grouper/system/app/
 +  * out/target/product/grouper/system/priv-app/
 +=== ThemeChooser ===
 +  * removed vendor/cm/config/
 +  * in  vendor/cm/config/ removed include vendor/cm/config/ (line 130)
 +  * [[project:android:grouper#removing_themechooser_from_settings | remove it from settings]]
 +=== Wallpapers ===
 +  * in vendor/cm/config/ removed <code>
 +  9     Galaxy4 \
 + 10     HoloSpiralWallpaper \
 + 11     LiveWallpapers \
 + 12     LiveWallpapersPicker \
 + 13     MagicSmokeWallpapers \
 + 14     NoiseField \
 + 15     PhaseBeam \
 + 16     VisualizationWallpapers \
 +=== CM related stuff ===
 +  * in vendor/cm/config/ removed <code>
 +147     CMWallpapers \
 +151     CMUpdater \
 +152     CMAccount \
 +=== SetupWizard & OneTimeInit ===
 +  * in build/target/product/ removed <code>
 +26     OneTimeInitializer \
 +  * in vendor/cm/config/ <code>
 +151     CyanogenSetupWizard \
 +**Do not forget to**:
 +  * turn settings -> location off
 +  * turn settings -> wifi off
 +  * turn settings -> privacy -> send debug data off
 +=== WAPPushManager ===
 +marked as invasive from:
 +  * in build/target/product/ remove <code>
 +24     WAPPushManager
 +dont forget to delete "/" sign in line 23
 +==== Debundling GAPPS ====
 +I used [[ | OpenGApps ]] Pico package as starting point.
 +After installing GApps zip file through [[ | TWRP ]] i removed in agreement with this [[ | TOR outdated but still helpful guide]] those applications:
 +  * in /system/app/: <code>
 +  * in /system/priv-app <code>
 +I also tried to remove **SetupWizard** in priv-apps. Result was booting rom which was in pretty unstable state, logcat was still mumbling something about
 +I/WindowManager(  475): Not starting activity because user setup is in progress: Intent 
 +{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 }
 +And I didnt want to argue with GApps that user setup is really not in progress so i putted SetupWizard back and everything was fine.
 +in Settings -> Accounts -> Google -> click on and **Turn Sync OFF**. 
 +=== Debundling links, tips & tricks ===
 +  * **[[ | This Gapps feature ]]** looks interesting for more automatized way of doing cleanup.
 +  * How to get info about app from app ID:<code>#vi /data/system/packages.xml </code> (thx 2 [[ | Lie Ryan]])
 +  * [[ | AfWall]] could be useful for detection of leaking apps, but it's good to know that it is not [[ | unbreakable]]
 +==== Conclusion ====
 +Even after all those gently hints to google like "Turn sync off" and removing applications for GoogleSync Google just love to hear from to you, or better interpreted: carefully listens to your needs. (CONNECT ; CONNECT After blacklisting Google Play Store in AfWall it looks like device is almost silent. (only GET remains and it is plaintext probably with almost no data and few DNS queries, ussually for NTP servers). Field data is in nice correlation with **[[user:jenda/et#android| Jenda's observations]]**
 +===== Modify Settings(.apk) source =====
 +When you modify your rom heavily it is good to accordingly modify Settings.apk. For security enhanced compilations it is fe good to have wifi off at boot time etc. When I was searching for some guide to safe my time spent on project I found only [[ | this outdated gudie]] which was not much useful to me, so i decided to write something little bit more up to date. As ussual in this wiki entry features are written down as examples and shows the way how to perform similiar operation, i hope that this format will help to perform those operations even after things change a little bit in newer versions of source code.
 +**interesting file list**
 +  * **Settings layout file** - packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/dashboard_categories.xml
 +  * **Development settings layout file** - packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/development_prefs.xml
 +  * **Development settings main file** - packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/
 +==== Removing ThemeChooser from Settings ====
 +this thread is continuation of [[project:android:grouper#debundling_cm_build | Debundling CM build]] where I shown how to remove ThemeChooser. After removal there is still entry in Settings which points to non-existing apk.
 +First it is necessary to locate ThemeChooser in settings. In Settings it is named Themes as we can see if we open Settings in unmodified android device:
 + $ cd packages/apps/Settings
 + $ grep -RE Themes
 +res/values-en-rIN/cm_strings.xml:  <string name="themes_settings_title">Themes</string>
 +res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml:  <string name="themes_settings_title">Themes</string>
 +res/xml/dashboard_categories.xml:        <!-- Themes -->
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <!-- Themes Settings -->
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <string name="themes_settings_title">Themes</string>
 +Now we know what we want to find:
 + $ grep -RE themes_settings
 +res/values-sr/cm_strings.xml:  <string name="themes_settings_title">Теме</string>
 +res/values-ru/cm_strings.xml:  <string name="themes_settings_title">Темы</string>
 +res/values-ca/cm_strings.xml:  <string name="themes_settings_title">Temes</string>
 +res/values-eo/cm_strings.xml:  <string name="themes_settings_title">Etosoj</string>
 +grep: .git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +Little refinement:
 +$ grep -RE themes_settings --exclude-dir=*values-*
 +res/xml/dashboard_categories.xml:                android:title="@string/themes_settings_title"
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <string name="themes_settings_title">Themes</string>
 +grep: .git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +if we open **res/xml/dashboard_categories** we can see easily that it is file for which we're looking for.
 +commenting out Themes entry will do the trick
 +119         <!-- Themes -->
 +120         <!-- NOTE: Intent.parseIntent looks for "categories" tag and not "category" -->
 +121 <!--        <dashboard-tile
 +122                 android:id="@+id/theme_settings"
 +123                 android:title="@string/themes_settings_title"
 +124                 android:icon="@drawable/ic_settings_themes">
 +125             <intent
 +126                     android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN" >
 +127                 <categories android:name="cyanogenmod.intent.category.APP_THEMES" />
 +128             </intent>
 +129         </dashboard-tile>  -->
 +and we're done.
 +==== Advanced Reboot by default ====
 +When I'm using [[ | Multirom]] for testing builds and still keep my N7 useful i found Advanced Reboot feature pretty handy so I decided to have it On by default. It shows to be rather tricky in the process.
 +Locate - analogously to themechooser:
 + $ cd packages/apps/Settings
 + $ grep -RE Advanced\ reboot --exclude-dir=*values-*
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <!-- Advanced reboot options -->
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <string name="advanced_reboot_title">Advanced reboot</string>
 +grep: .git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +$ grep -RE advanced_reboot --exclude-dir=*values-*
 +res/xml/development_prefs.xml:        android:key="advanced_reboot"
 +res/xml/development_prefs.xml:        android:title="@string/advanced_reboot_title"
 +res/xml/development_prefs.xml:        android:summary="@string/advanced_reboot_summary" />
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <string name="advanced_reboot_title">Advanced reboot</string>
 +res/values/cm_strings.xml:    <string name="advanced_reboot_summary">When unlocked, include options in the power menu for 
 +rebooting into recovery, bootloader or performing a soft reboot</string>
 +src/com/android/settings/    private static final String ADVANCED_REBOOT_KEY = "advanced_reboot";
 +grep: .git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +this leaves us to:
 +res/xml/development_prefs.xml and src/com/android/settings/ files. If we take closer look to development_prefs.xml we can see that it is file specifying only layout and nothing more. That leaves us as only file to be examined.
 +After litte research we could find that the're mAdvancedReboot, ADVANCED_REBOOT and so on.
 +mAdvanced reboot is of type SwitchPreference, which makes it interesting.
 +after litte research I located those lines:
 + 682     private void updateAdvancedRebootOptions() {
 + 683         mAdvancedReboot.setChecked(Settings.Secure.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver     (),
 + 684                 Settings.Secure.ADVANCED_REBOOT, 0) != 0);
 + 685     }
 +setChecked looks pretty much like something we want to fiddle.
 +If we look at adb_notify (Debugging notify option) which is **on by default**:
 + 613         mAdbNotify.setChecked(Settings.Secure.getInt(cr,
 + 614                 Settings.Secure.ADB_NOTIFY, 1) != 0);
 +We can probably figure out what to do:
 + 682     private void updateAdvancedRebootOptions() {
 + 683         mAdvancedReboot.setChecked(Settings.Secure.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver     (),
 + 684                 Settings.Secure.ADVANCED_REBOOT, 1) != 0);
 + 685     }
 +After compiling with this setting and running we can see that **ADVANCED REBOOT DOES NOT WORK**. If we turn on Developer options we can see that we **Only switched radio button to checked, but leave value of it unchanged**, pretty nasty state.
 +After little poking around and finding lot of dead ends i decided to **look to original commits**. I should do that probably on the first place.
 +Locating original commit:
 +  * search on github for file with lines definitely related to our problematics fe [[ | Development layout config]]
 +  * [[ | Blame somebody ]] for the line which is related to our problem.
 +In this case it looks like this commit has a brother somewhere, probably named **[[ | Add Advanced reboot (2 of 2)]]**.
 +After reviewing the code I found few pretty interesting lines in [[ |]] file:
 +148     private static boolean isAdvancedRebootPossible(final Context context) {
 +149         KeyguardManager km = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SE    RVICE);
 +150         boolean keyguardLocked = km.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() && km.isKeyguardSecure(    );
 +151         boolean advancedRebootEnabled = Settings.Secure.getInt(context.getContentResolver()    ,
 +152             Settings.Secure.ADVANCED_REBOOT, 0) == 1;
 +153         boolean isPrimaryUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId() == UserHandle.USER_OWNER;
 +155         return advancedRebootEnabled && !keyguardLocked && isPrimaryUser;
 +If we check [[,%20java.lang.String,%20int%29 | reference]] we know for sure what to do:
 +148     private static boolean isAdvancedRebootPossible(final Context context) {
 +149         KeyguardManager km = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SE    RVICE);
 +150         boolean keyguardLocked = km.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() && km.isKeyguardSecure(    );
 +151         boolean advancedRebootEnabled = Settings.Secure.getInt(context.getContentResolver()    ,
 +152             Settings.Secure.ADVANCED_REBOOT, 1) == 1;
 +153         boolean isPrimaryUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId() == UserHandle.USER_OWNER;
 +155         return advancedRebootEnabled && !keyguardLocked && isPrimaryUser;
 +After compilation and testing we find out that **Advanced reboot is ON** even in fact, not only in menu.
 +==== Adaptive brightness off by default ====
 +I dont know if it works on other devices, but on my N7 this feature drives me mad. It was pretty tricky for me to find this one.
 +Locate - analogous to themechooser: 
 + $ cd packages/apps/Settings
 + $ grep -RsE Adaptive\ brightness --exclude-dir=*values-*
 +res/xml/display.xml:        <!-- Adaptive brightness -->
 +res/values/strings.xml:    <string name="auto_brightness_title">Adaptive brightness</string>
 +$ grep -RsE auto_brightness --exclude-dir=*values-*
 +res/xml/display.xml:                android:key="auto_brightness"
 +res/xml/display.xml:                android:title="@string/auto_brightness_title"
 +res/xml/display.xml:                settings:keywords="@string/keywords_display_auto_brightness"
 +res/xml/display.xml:                android:summary="@string/auto_brightness_summary"
 +res/values/strings.xml:    <string name="auto_brightness_title">Adaptive brightness</string>
 +res/values/strings.xml:    <string name="auto_brightness_summary">Optimize brightness level for available light</string>
 +res/values/strings.xml:    <string name="keywords_display_auto_brightness">dim screen touchscreen battery</string>
 +src/com/android/settings/    private static final String KEY_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS = "auto_brightness";
 +closer look on ****
 +663         if (preference == mAutoBrightnessPreference) {
 +664             boolean auto = (Boolean) objValue;
 +665             Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE,
 +667         }
 +after unsuccessful attempts to locate something relevant to **SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_MODE** in Settings.apk I performed search in android source root directory, which aslo found nothing. After a lot of unsuccessful attempts to find source of default settings i finaly found magic keyword **def_screen_brightness_automatic_mode** in <code>frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml</code>
 +the problem was that here it was off, but in **overlay**:
 + $ vi device/asus/grouper/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml
 + 19 <resources>
 + 20     <!-- 2 minutes for default screen timeout -->
 + 21     <integer name="def_screen_off_timeout">120000</integer>
 + 22     <!-- Set the automatic brightness mode on by default -->
 + 23     <bool name="def_screen_brightness_automatic_mode">true</bool>
 + 24 
 + 25     <!-- Value for Settings.Global.LOW_BATTERY_SOUND_TIMEOUT:
 + 26          Mute battery sounds on tablets after one hour with screen off -->
 + 27     <integer name="def_low_battery_sound_timeout">3600000</integer>
 + 28 </resources>
 +situation was different, when I rewrited true on **line 23** to false it was solved.
 +===== Modify Browser(.apk) source =====
 +====Addition of search engine====
 +If you're using default browser in **noscript** & **no cookies** setting, you'll find out that when you search by Google it switches to czech mutation if you're connecting from Czech republic. If you switch to DuckDuckGo you'll find out, that search engine is set to javascript version. Solution is addition of search engine to source code.
 + $ cd packages/apps/Browser/
 + $ grep -RsE DuckDuck
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item>DuckDuckGo</item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item>DuckDuckGo (UK)</item>
 + $ vi 
 +750   </string-array>
 +751   <string-array name="duckduckgo" translatable="false">
 +752     <item>DuckDuckGo</item>
 +753     <item></item>
 +754     <item></item>
 +755     <item>{searchTerms}&amp;t=cyanogenmod</item>
 +756     <item>UTF-8</item>
 +757     <item></item>
 +758   </string-array>
 +$ grep -RsE duckduck
 +res/values-en-rGB/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo</item>
 +res/values-en-rGB/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo_en_gb</item>
 +res/values-de-rDE/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo</item>
 +res/values-ru-rRU/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo</item>
 +res/values-es-rES/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo</item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:  <string-array name="duckduckgo" translatable="false">
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item></item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item></item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item>{searchTerms}&amp;t=cyanogenmod</item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:  <string-array name="duckduckgo_en_gb" translatable="false">
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item></item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item></item>
 +res/values/all_search_engines.xml:    <item>{searchTerms}%20r:uk&amp;t=cyanogenmod</item>
 +res/values/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo</item>
 +res/values-en-rUS/donottranslate-search_engines.xml:    <item>duckduckgo</item>
 +I've learned by trial and error that you need to add your custom search engine in **all_search_engines.xml**, **donottranslate-search_engines.xml** and to **donottranslate-search_engines.xml** in locale values in Browser folder:
 + $ vi res/values/all_search_engines.xml
 +759   <string-array name="duckduckgonojs" translatable="false">
 +760     <item>DuckDuckGo NoJavaScript</item>
 +761     <item></item>
 +762     <item></item>
 +763     <item>{searchTerms}</item>
 +764     <item>UTF-8</item>
 +765     <item></item>
 +766   </string-array>
 + $ vi res/values/donottranslate-search_engines.xml
 + 29     <item>duckduckgonojs</item>
 +$ vi res/values-en-rUS/donottranslate-search_engines.xml
 + 29     <item>duckduckgonojs</item>
 +====Addition of browser user-agent====
 +There are few predefined spoofed user-agents in browser, this is way how to add one more to them.
 +changes in short (base dir is ~/android/system/packages/apps/Browser):
 +$vi res/xml/advanced_preferences.xml
 + 28     <ListPreference
 + 29             android:key="user_agent"
 + 30             android:title="@string/pref_content_ua"
 + 31             android:entries="@array/pref_development_ua_choices"
 + 32             android:entryValues="@array/pref_development_ua_values"
 + 33             android:defaultValue="6"/>
 +$ vi src/com/android/browser/
 + 81 
 + 82     private static final String UBUNTU_USERAGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; " +
 + 83         "Linux x86_64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 " +
 + 84         "Firefox/43.0";
 + 85 
 + 86     private static final String USER_AGENTS[] = { null,
 + 87             DESKTOP_USERAGENT,
 + 88             IPHONE_USERAGENT,
 + 89             IPAD_USERAGENT,
 + 90             FROYO_USERAGENT,
 + 91             HONEYCOMB_USERAGENT,
 + 92             UBUNTU_USERAGENT,
 + 93     };
 + 94
 +$ vi res/values/strings.xml
 + 579     <!-- Do not tranlsate.  Development option -->
 + 580     <string-array name="pref_development_ua_choices" translatable="false">
 + 581         <item>Android</item>
 + 582         <item>Desktop</item>
 + 583         <item>iPhone</item>
 + 584         <item>iPad</item>
 + 585         <item>Froyo-N1</item>
 + 586         <item>Honeycomb-Xoom</item>
 + 587         <item>Ubuntu-Firefox</item>
 + 588     </string-array>
 + 589     <!-- Do not tranlsate.  Development option -->
 + 590     <string-array name="pref_development_ua_values" translatable="false">
 + 591         <item>0</item>
 + 592         <item>1</item>
 + 593         <item>2</item>
 + 594         <item>3</item>
 + 595         <item>4</item>
 + 596         <item>5</item>
 + 597         <item>6</item>
 + 598     </string-array>
 +This solution have **three major issues** - you also need to [[ user:jenda:et#cyanogenmod | turn off connectivitycheck ]] , change NTP server and add fix "turn time-sync off" (so you can't be identified by requests to, last issue is with **http-accept header**, i dont know how to solve last issue, if somebody does please [[user:yan | contact me]].
 +===== First start traffic analysis =====
 +Also cyanogenmod itself want to talk a little bit after first boot even after debundling and turning reports off.
 +=== Recorded HTTP/HTTPS traffic ===
 +User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/LMY48Y)
 +User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/LMY48Y)
 +User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/LMY48Y)
 +GET HTTP/1.1
 +User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/LMY48Y)
 +  * **connectivitycheck** remains even after Afwall, but ends after one HTTP response.
 +  * **** and **** is produced probably under AppID 1000 (Android system)
 +=== List of experimental setups ===
 +All setups were clean install of custom built CM (configuration - [[project:android:grouper#debundling_cm_build | debundled]] with [[project:android:grouper#cherry-picking_slimrecents_to_cm_121 |slimrecents pick]]). This was their first connection to the network. After previous experiments all setups were without GApps. Nightly Build performed the same way.
 +After initial boot:
 +Location service was turned off
 +Timezone was set to sarajevo
 +CyanogenMod statistics were turned OFF
 +in case of AfWall ON setups AfWall was instaled from disc.
 +In all cases DNS requests were seen.
 +**AfWall off**
 +  * Starts with connectivitycheck 
 +  * Continues with (CONNECT, than Application data)
 +  * (CONNECT, than Application Data)
 +  * (CONNECT, than Application Data)
 +**AfWall on**
 +  * Starts with connectivitycheck (After respond Android does not answer anymore - lot of [TCP Retransmission])
 +  * Continues with (CONNECT, than respond (connection establised), than SSL [TCP Retransmission] - Android does not answer anymore)
 +**AfWall on, reboot before connect, Kernel Allowed by afwall**
 +  * Connectivitycheck (After respond Android does not answer anymore - lot of [TCP Retransmission])
 +  * Android System packets blocked by AfWall
 +**AfWall on, reboot before connect, Kernel Allowed by afwall, Android System Allowed by afwall**
 +  * Starts with connectivitycheck 
 +  * Continues with (CONNECT, than Application Data)
 +  * Once again (CONNECT, than Application Data)
 +  * Continues with (CONNECT, than Application data)
 +  * (CONNECT, than Application Data)
 +** AfWall on, not first boot, everything disabled in afwall **
 +  * Connectivitycheck still persists.
 +  * Only DNS requests for android ntp server were seen.
 +** AfWall on, not first boot, everything disabled in afwall except linux kernel **
 +  * Connectivitycheck still persists.
 +  * Only DNS requests for android ntp server, and, and were seen, but no HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
 +=== Source search ===
 +only wanted to try it, i was lazy to search whole source code, maybe it could give more hits.
 +~$ cd android/system
 + $ grep -RE shopvac\.cyngn\.com
 +grep: build/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: ndk/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: ndk/.git/packed-refs: No such file or directory
 +grep: abi/cpp/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/apps/AudioFX/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/apps/Contacts/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/apps/Bluetooth/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +packages/apps/Settings/res/values/config.xml      <string name="stats_cyanogen_url"></string>
 +grep: packages/apps/Settings/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/apps/Stk/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/wallpapers/MusicVisualization/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/wallpapers/NoiseField/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +grep: .repo/manifests/.git/shallow: No such file or directory
 +$ vi packages/apps/Settings/res/values/config.xml
 +100     <!-- Metrics server endpoints -->
 +101     <string name="stats_cm_url"></string>
 +102     <string name="stats_cyanogen_url"></string>
 +103     <string name="stats_cyanogen_token_url"></string>
 +After digging a while few changes from true to false in one AndroidManifest helped a bit:
 +2278         <!-- Anonymous Statistics -->
 +2279         <receiver android:name=".cmstats.ReportingServiceManager"
 +2280             android:enabled="false"
 +2281             android:exported="false"
 +2282             android:label="ReportingServiceManager">
 +2283             <intent-filter>
 +2284                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
 +2285                 <action android:name=""      />
 +2286             </intent-filter>
 +2287         </receiver>
 +2289         <service android:label="ReportingService"
 +2290             android:enabled="false"
 +2291             android:exported="false"
 +2292             android:name=".cmstats.ReportingService">
 +2293         </service>
 +=== LTO - GPS ===
 +New friend emerged after applying fix above:
 +GET HTTP/1.1
 +Accept: */*, application/vnd.wap.mms-message, application/vnd.wap.sic
 +Connection: Keep-Alive
 +User-Agent: Android
 +~/android/system$ grep -RE gllto
 +Binary file vendor/broadcom/grouper/proprietary/glgps matches
 +It is [[ | Long Term Orbit technology]] from [[ | Broadcom]], turned ON by default.
 +Link Adresses:
 +~/android/system$ cat device/asus/grouper/gps.conf
 +GPS configuration (**LTO OFF/ON**):
 +~/android/system511$ cat vendor/broadcom/grouper/proprietary/gpsconfig.xml 
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 +<glgps xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" glconfig.xsd" >
 +  <!--HAL Confguration  -->
 +  <hal
 +       acPortName="/dev/ttyHS1"
 +       lBaudRate="115200"
 +       cLogEnabled="false"
 +       acLogDirectory="/data/gps/log/"
 +       gpioNStdbyPath="/sys/class/gpio/gpio162/value"
 +       gpioDelayMs="120"
 +       acNvStoDir="/data/gps/"
 +       acNmeaOutName="/data/gps/nmea_out"
 +       ctrlPipe="/data/gps/glgpsctrl"
 +       SyncLto="true"
 +       ltoFileName="lto2.dat"
 +       acLtoDir="/data/gps/"
 +       LbsSyncLtoThresholdDays="1"
 +  />
 +  <gll
 +       LogPriMask="LOG_INFO"
 +       LogFacMask="LOG_DEFAULT"
 +       FrqPlan="FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM"
 +       RfType="GL_RF_4751_DANUBE_EXT_LNA"
 +  />
 +<job id="Periodic">
 +    <task>
 +        <req_pos/>
 +    </task>
 +==== conclusion ====
 +After setting **ReportingService OFF** and **LTO Sync OFF** first time connection of tablet to wifi consist only of connectivitycheck at the start and than dns request for NTP servers (10 minutes cap). (AfWall not installed). Turning off sending statistics in GUI probably restrict amount of statistics traffic slightly down, but to turn it off completely you need to edit according config. GPS on N7 2012 have feature named [[ttps:// | LTO]] which downloads data package once upon a time. Android in tested version have **connectivitycheck** procedure which comes from (based on adb logcat) **NetworkManager** and which probably **Ignores aFWall**, but it gives almost same set of information that any other http connection would give. As you're connecting to net you ussualy to go browsing, you will leak User-Agent identification regardless on connectivitycheck procedure. Those two problems should be solved same time.