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FreezeFest 2012
We have reserved a hangar in the central area to promote hackerspace movement/culture on FreezeFest http://freezefest.cz/
ruza made this videoreport: q8I4r-2cvAA
Bass-Controlled Crashcourse of Synchronized Meditation & ARTillery support by MeziHvězdná Doprava sound system.
sirka vstupu cca 3,5m. hloubka 13m
- Rezervace mistnustek:
- HANGÁR: socroom, instalace, reactable, zvuk,…
- VJEZD: ???
- WC: ??? nefunguje, nejaky napady?
- A: ??? doporucuju na mensi vystavy, ve zdi tam jsou policky a budou tam dost chodit lidi
- B: Tady asi muzem spat kvuli odhlucneni
Na pomery atomovejch krytu relativne luxus, ale spina
- C-H: ??? Zajimavy mistnustky hodne maly i docela velky, nektery instalace bych tam soupnul
- Predbezne si tyhle mistnosti rezervuju na svoje interaktivni bludiste. Uz mam castecne rozchozenou elektroniku, ale potreboval bych pucit nekolik PIR cidel… ~harvie
- I-K: ??? Trochu min zajimavy mistnosti, ale ne tak zajimavy jako C-H
- L: ??? Je to takova uzka ale dlouha nudloidni mistnost mezi 2ma sousednima hangarama tudiz obracene kulaty steny. mozna zajimava akustika
Workshops and Installations
AR Zen Sandbox
Laser Graffitti / FluidSim
- psychoz
- starf
- e2e4
PotBox VJ
Amazing Maze
- mr.filip
Deprivation Chamber
- Place for rest with ambient music and decos…
Cardboard Sculptures Workshop
- josef
Bristlebot Workshop
- jazzz
Infinity Mirror
Lockpicking Workshop
- niekt0
We'll get a hangar in the central area connected to the Dubstep stage via underground tunnel. We are the yellow circle:
nick | going by |
stick | stick's car |
harvie | hitchhike |
niekt0 | ? |
ruza | stick's car |
Needed Equipment
- projector (potbox)
- projector (zen sandbox)
- kinect (zen sandbox)
- altanok (chemical exhibition)
- el-wire
- brmlab plachty
- zip tie
Links, Photos, Videos
event/freezefest_2012.1480063624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/25 08:47 by ruza