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SolarRoboFlower Workshop + Metalab Talks

SolarRoboFlower Workshop
+ Metalab Talks
organizer: -
date/time: 31.3.2012
place: brmlab
stream: stream

At the turn of March and April we'll host a special visit from Metalab hackerspace in Vienna.

On Saturday 31.3 from 13:00 we plan to hold a workshop led by Florian 'overflo' Bittner who will teach you how to solder your own SolarRoboFlower. You absolutely don't have to be a hardware geek to join this workshop. Come and make your own Flower!


If you want to attend the workshop, please register using » this form « and indicate which SolarRoboFlower kit you'd like to buy.

There are two versions of the kit:

You can also buy the power supply for 6 EUR (150 CZK) if you don't have one.

These prices are lower than on Hackerspaceshop (70 EUR/52 EUR), because you don't pay for any packaging or shipping.

You can buy a kit during the workshop without registering, but if you DO register it will be much much more easier for us and Florian to organise the event. :-)


  • 13:00-17:00 SolarRoboFlower Workshop
  • 18:00-20:00 Talks
    • Introduction to Hackerspaceshop
    • The last year @ MetaLab
    • SolarRoboFlower (from idea to product)
    • etc.



event/solarroboflower.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 14:21 by root