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ERS - crawling hidden spaces
date/time: 7.12.2012, 19h
place: brmlab
stream: n/a

ERS - crawling hidden spaces

Robert B. Lisek - “ERS - crawling hidden spaces” cooperation: Marta Heberle, Przemek Sanecki

Lisek will conduct a presentation concerning his research about using AI techniques for crawling and analyzing different governmental networks and recent projects where he is testing influence of radiation on viruses and bacteria. The presentation will be followed by live coding performance.

Robert B. Lisek

is an artist and mathematician who focuses on systems and processes (computational, biological, social). He is involved in the number of projects focused on radical art strategies, hacktivism and tactical media. Drawing upon conceptual art, software art, critical and meta-media, his work intentionally defies categorization. Lisek is also a composer of contemporary music, author of many projects and scores on the intersection of spectral, stochatistic, concret music, musica futurista and noise. Lisek is a pioneer of art based on AI and bioinformatics. He explores the relationship between bio-molecular technology, code and issues arising from network technologies by combining his DNA code with codes of viruses and recently by testing influence of radioactive materials on biological entities. He is also working on human enhancement: extensions through the use of radical transgressive methods that arise at the intersection of disciplines such as AGI, bioengineering, and nanotechnology. Lisek is also a scientist who conducts a research in the area of foundations of mathematics and computer science. His research interests are theory of partially ordered sets in relation with artificial general intelligence and complexity theory. Lisek is a founder of Institute for Research in Science and Art, Fundamental Research Lab and ACCESS Art Symposium.

Author of many exhibitions and concerts, among others: TERROR ENGINES - WORM Center Rotterdam, Secure Insecurity - ISEA Istanbul; Manifesto vs. Manifesto - Ujazdowski Castel of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; NGRU - FILE, Sao Paulo; NEST - ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – DMAC Harvestworks and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC; WWAI - Siggraph, Los Angeles; Falsecodes - Red Gate Gallery, Beijing; Gengine - National Gallery, Warsaw; Flextex - Byzantine Museum, Athens, FXT– ACA Media Festival, Tokyo and ISEA, Nagoya; Transhuman - Entropy Gallery, SSSpear –17th Meridian, WRO Center, Wroclaw.

Marta Heberle

is a theoretician of culture specializing in issues related with bioart and transhumanism. Currently she is preparing her PhD at the University of Poznan. She is also an artist focused on transgressive sensory experiments located on the border of audio and performance. Her actions are composed of subliminal violent brain stimulations through sound. Heberle also creates her own special fashion design projects, some of which are functionalized in her performances.

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