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Pri prilezitosti znovuotevreni Brmlabu v novych prostorech si vsechny dovolujeme pozvat na uvodni shift_in party.
(We would like to invite you to the Brmlab re-opening (shift_in) party, at our new location)
- Party:
- Malanius (Live DJ performance)
- blackhead? (“oldies”?)
- Gril@Terasa:
- Tschunk (roommate:)
- Mate bude dost
- Retro gaming - (mr. holub)
- Hratky s tekutym dusikem (mrkva)
Pozor, zmena terminu na 5.10.2018
event/brmlab_in_shift_party.1537706107.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/23 12:35 by niekt0