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user:maxfx:upgrade-ubuntu [2017/08/18 19:59] – [My way] maxfxuser:maxfx:upgrade-ubuntu [2020/10/28 23:55] (current) – removed maxfx
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-====== Upgrade fucking Ubuntu from 14.04 to 16.04 ====== 
-Yes upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 isnt problem sometimes ...  
-===== My way ===== 
-sudo apt-get update && upgrade ... 
-sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 
-sudo do-release-upgrade  
-Checking for a new Ubuntu release ...  
-Downloaded milion packages for new version ubuntu... maybe 1200 and more ..  
-next process was "dpkg: error processsing package  ... (--configure)" wtf ?  
-Problem was in mixed package between 14.04 version and 16.04 version! 
-Ok reboot to recovery ubuntu and repair packages with apt-get and "relocation error ... " wtf... 
-apt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareERKS4_, version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference 
-sudo dpkg -i libstdc++6_5.3.1-14ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb 
-ok next bugs ... next problem is half packages from 14.04 and next half 16.04 ubuntu ... 
-ok apt-get failed system says : 
-sudo dpkg --configure -a 
-This command removed old packages from 14.04  
-and next problem is "broken snapd and freezing"  What The Fuck ? maybe [[]] 
-sudo apt-get remove -f snapd 
-and next 
-sudo dpkg --configure -a 
-uf dpkg reinstaling packages but ...  waiting braille freezed [[]] 
-[  OK  ] Started Braille Device Support. 
-oh my God ... 
-sudo apt-get remove -f brltty 
-ok reinstalling with dpkg and apt-get and now reboot to "new version :-) " , login to system and again freezed .... back to recovery. 
-I turn  networking in recovey mode but from terminal "grep /etc/resolv.conf no such file or directory .... "  what the hell is ? 
-ok solution 
-dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf 
-resolvconf -u 
-next step reinstalling ubuntu-desktop  
-sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop unity compizconfig-settings-manager 
-reboot and freezing again after login ... lol [[]] 
-Fix 1 - Compiz Problems (OpenGL module not loading, Unity plugin not loading) 
-sudo rm -fr ~/.cache/compizconfig-1 
-sudo rm -fr ~/.compiz 
-Fix 2 - Session not loading (Guest session loads fine) 
-sudo rm -fr ~/.Xauthority 
-sudo rm -fr ~/.config/autostart 
-Fix 3 - Session not loading (Guest not loading) 
-sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop unity compizconfig-settings-manager upstart 
-Fix 4 - Launcher / Top Panel not loading (Nvidia cards) 
-sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa -y 
-sudo apt-get update 
-sudo apt-get install nvidia-340 
-sudo reboot 
-Fix 5 - Clearing Unity 
-dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ 
-setsid unity 
-Fix 6 - Clearing the Cache 
-sudo rm -fr .cache/* 
-This is all :-). 