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user:ainu [2019/10/20 12:53] – edited page for information about user maxfxuser:ainu [2024/08/07 17:39] (current) ainu
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{template>infobox| name=Ainu| nick=ainu| email=| phone=158| web=[[user:ainu|]]| photo=ainu.png?200| irc=ainu| jabber=ainu nemá žábry }} +{{template>infobox| name=Ainu| nick=Ainu| email=| phone=None| web=[[user:ainu]]| photo=none.png | irc=ainu| jabber=ainu nemá žábry }}
- +
user/ainu.1571575990.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/20 12:53 by maxfx