~~META: status = active ~~
RepRap is a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap can print those parts, RepRap is a self-replicating machine - one that anyone can build given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend…
If you want to start 3D printing in brmlab, continue to Prusa MK2 subsite about our main, most user-friendly 3D printer.
(most of this is obsolete with regards to our Prusa MK2.)
First Time printers HOWTO
3d printing cookbook
STL acquiring/creating
GCODE creation
Temperature setting guide
Have a problem?
Debugging on your own
When you want to print first you need to create or acquire 3D model. Than you export your 3D model to .stl , this format is pretty much universal format for 3D. Than you open f.e. slic3r with correct config files and convert .stl to .gcode which is list of XYZ positions and amount of extruded filament. Than you upload .gcode to printer, do preparation and start printing. Everything should be nicely covered in this links:
jednoduchý slovník pro rychlou orientaci
Brmlab is the place where you can meet other RepRap users, build your own, ask for plastic parts or advice.
Právní poznámka (CZ): Všechny případné dary budou primárně použité k naplnění hlavních účelů spolku.
Legal note (EN): All possible donations will be primarily used to fulfill the main purposes of the association.
We have a Fio bank account. You can transfer money in the following ways:
(If you are a member paying monthly fees, use your numeric user id as variable symbol and specific symbol 1. If you want to give a tax-deducible donation, please use specific symbol 2 and contact us at rada@brmlab.cz for a receipt.)
If you are using a revolut, you can find a guide how to specify a variable symbol (VS) here: https://community.revolut.com/t/variable-symbol/30012/4
You can check your member account balance at https://brmlab.cz/start?do=payments
We accept bitcoins at the following address: 1BRMLAB7nryYgFGrG8x9SYaokb8r2ZwAsX
Brmlab muzete podporit i pri vasem nakupovani v internetovych e-shopech pomoci givt.cz
To donate physical stuff, please contact rada@brmlab.cz.