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Regular meetups are organized every Tuesday.

Bylo sedm večer – první máj –
večerní máj – meetupu čas.
Růžův zval ku schůzi hlas,
kde borový zaváněl háj.

Next meetup

When: ~~NEXTDAY:tue~~
Where: Bubenská 1, Prague (see Place if you don't know how to get in …)

Rough schedule

(times can vary wildly in practice)

  • 19:00 - 20:00: welcoming newcomers, free discussion, mingling
  • 20:00 - 20:30: official meetup agenda (see below for details); not interested people can continue free discussion in other rooms
  • 20:30+: free discussion, hacking stuff! :-)

The meetups are opened for anyone interested, of course non-members are heartily welcome! While the space starts really filling up after 19:00, the space will generally be open since 18:30 (or even quite earlier) - it's recommended you come early, especially if this is your first time! We will be happy to show you cool things we have already done, ask you about your ideas and show you around. :-)

Planned official agenda

  • info z posledniho zasedani Rady? Zápisy ze zasedání rady (novi clenove, odesli, zalezitosti ktere by meli clenove vedet,..)
  • stav polozek z TODO listu
  • brmdoory (dolny - nefunguje zvuk, obcas vraj nefunguje, spamuje IRC)
  • mario regal
  • bordel evergreen
  • redukcia zapnutych strojov/zariadeni, kvoli teplu.
  • CTJB poslední místa!
  • brmexit
  • report z projektov a udalostí za uplynulý týždeň, prehľad udalostí nasledujúceho týždňa. Chceme přednášku/workshop na nějaké konkrétní téma?
  • ochutnavka nealko od (Mate mate, toniky, atd.)


  • status report:
    • uprava procesu prijimani slev (viz Rada ML)
  • Nechtěli jsme někoho přijímat? (BoDaX)


Detailed minutes of every meetup are available in the members section.

meetups.1467742179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/05 18:09 by jenda