usual problems with printing and their debugging procedure will be posted here..
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bude tisknout kam má. Drevena printer started to be unreliable at some point, printed objects look like mess (see first img), extruder clogged pretty often, Z-axis calibration was pretty tricky.
Long story short - the problem was that groovemount couldn't resist pressure from heatsing (filament backpressure) and started to bend after few minutes of printing. Nozzle was then trying to extrude into already extruded layers. Yan and pborky substituted plastic groovemount with metal sandwich, than printing result was better but not excellent. The reason was loose Y axis.
I knew something was wrong, but i could not understand the clue that printer gave me. The clue was narrow parts on printed model (you should clearly see it on zoomed image).
As is mentioned in worn groovemount story the problem was in loose Y (front-back) axis (thx. 2 axtheb for solving the mystery). Problem was in loose screws between axis belt and bed. After this was fixed, wooden was reliable once more.