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Mitch Altman workshop

Mitch Altman workshop
organizer: ruza
date/time: 16.09.2010 15:00
place: Praha-Kobylisy

Mitch Altman in Prague! 16 September 2010, Praha, 15:00

Report from the event

Foto, recordings, etc

Archived Information


Na své tour po hackerspaces střední a východní Evropy se i v Praze zastaví Mitch Altman - americký podnikatel a vynálezce, dříve průkopník VR, zakladatel San Franciského hackerspace, nyní v USA známý zejména svým zařízením TV-B-Gone. V Praze bude mít workshop a přednášku: workshop bude zaměřený na základy pájení a praktický úvod do konstrukce jednoduchých, ale užitečných elektronických zařízení (viz níže); konkrétní téma přednášky záleží na zájmu účastníků (možná témata viz níže).

V pripade zajmu se zaregistrujte pouzitim naseho registracniho formulare.


On his tour over hackerspaces of Central and East Europe, Mitch Altman will also stop by at Prague! Mitch is american enterpreneur and inventor, VR pioneer in the past, founder of the San Francisco hackerspace, currently best known by his TV-B-GONE device. In Prague, he will hold a workshop and a talk: the workshop will be focused on soldering basics and practical introduction to construction of simple but useful electronic devices (see below); the exact topic of the talk will depend on the preference of the public (see below for possible topics).

Please register on our registration form if you want to come.

The Workshop

In the first part of the workshop, we will learn some soldering basics.

In the second part, we will be building some nifty devices. There will be plenty of cool kits available to build, including:

and for the more advanced:

The workshop is best described by checking out what's been posted for previous workshops Mitch given:

Talk posibilities

Abstract is not strictly determined. Probably it will have workshop part and parts while we can choose from various subjects to talk about. Here's a few to choose from:

Tentative schedule

time theme
13:00-14:45 preparing space organizers only
14:45 space open to public
15:00-18:00 soldering workshop
18:00-20:00 workshop and talks
(topic based on visitors interest
- see above)
20:00 no new visitors from this moment
(required by building owner)
20:00-21:00 further end of the event
21:00-22:00 cleaning and leaving space organizers only
(required by building owner)

Organization (not interesting anymore)

not very interesting for visitors, but if you can help you are more than welcome! :-)


in progress
