Things I'd like done - or work on after I retire:
web browser (most likely chromium fork, firefox is less memory hungry but no e10s or tab unloading and other things that make it slooooow with many tabs):
that seamlessly blends tabs and bookmarks, as many packrats like me tend to abuse tabs as bookmarks and accumulate hundreds of them
working and reliable vertical tabs
“power saving” mode when on battery
ultimate maps: tourist lookalike renderer for openstreetmaps
API for
traffic level scraper for googlemaps + overlay for or osm (tos violation)
photo layer for googlemaps to universal overlay (tos violation)
linux application-level firewall with interactive gui
fc: a tool like mc, but single-purpose and streamlined for just choosing filename arguments for commands (e.g. mplayer playlist composition)
I also like a lot of jenda's ideas.