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. E.g.:
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Book{blank2005four, url="", published="2005", title="The four steps to the epiphany", authors="Blank, S.G." } @Misc{doe1999something, url="", published="1999", title="Somethong happened to me", authors="Doe, J." }
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===== References ===== If you going to edit this section, see [[:refnotes:start]] for more information. <refnotes cite> refnote-id : (1) reference-format : [] reference-base : text note-render : harvard note-id-format : [] note-id-base : test note-preview : popup notes-separator : none back-ref-format : (a) back-ref-caret : merge multi-ref-id : ref </refnotes>
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See refnotes plugin documentation for further details.
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @inproceedings{chi2010wireless, url={}, title={Wireless non-contact EEG/ECG electrodes for body sensor networks}, author={Chi, Yu M and Cauwenberghs, Gert}, booktitle={Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2010 International Conference on}, pages={297--301}, year={2010}, organization={IEEE} } @Misc{meta_openmind, url={}, title={OpenMind}, author={Meta}, organization={c-base} } @Misc{infobaden_spalovacky, url={}, title={Ilegální spalování zabíjí pohřební průmysl}, }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{LearnersTV, url="", title="LearnersTV: Video courses covering many subjects from various sources." } @Misc{MIT, url="", title="MIT courses " } @Misc{Berkeley, url=" ", title="Berkeley courses" } @Misc{Coursera, url=" ", title="Coursera" } @Misc{Udacity, url=" ", title="Udacity" } @Misc{Stanford, url=" ", title="Stanford courses" } @Misc{edX, url=" ", title="edX" } @Misc{KhanAcademy, url=" ", title="Khan Academy" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Book{blank2005four, url="", title="The four steps to the epiphany", authors="Blank, S.G.", published="2005", publisher="Cafepress. com" } @Misc{blank2012how, url="", title="How to Build a Startup online course", authors="Blank, S.G.", published="2012", publisher="Udacity" } @Misc{srinivasan2013engineering, url="", title="Startup Engineering", authors="Srinivasan B. S.; Pande, V.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera" } @Misc{lucas2013surviving, url="", title="Surviving Disruptive Technologies", authors="Lucas, H.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/University of Maryland" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Book{russell2007technical, url="", title="Technical Analysis", authors="Russell, R.", published="2007", publisher="W & A Publishing" } @Book{shannon_technical, url=" ", title="Technical Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes", authors="Shannon, B." } @Misc{haugh2013fin_eng, url="", title="Financial Engineering and Risk Management", authors="Haugh, M.; Iyengar, G.; Derman, E.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Columbia University" } @Misc{balch2013comp_invest, url="", title="Computational Investing, Part I", authors="Balch, T.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Georgia Tech" } @Misc{absymmetry, url="", title="Learning materials for starting investors" } @Misc{zivot2013comp_finance, url="", title="Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics", authors="Zivot, E.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/University of Washington" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{DBstanford, url="", title="Introduction to Databases", author="Widom, J.", published="2013", publisher="Stanford University" } @Misc{dataintro, url="", title="Introduction to Data Science", author="Howe, B.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/University of Washington" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{onlinegaming, url="", title="Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative", authors="Clayton, J.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Vanderbilt University" } @Misc{gamification, url="", title="Gamification", authors="Werbach, K.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/University of Pennsylvania" } @Misc{gamedesignocw, url="", title="Game Design", authors="Tan, P., Begy, J.", published="2010", publisher="MIT OCW" } @Misc{html5gamedev, url="", title="HTML5 Game Development", authors="McAnlis, C., Lubbers, P., Bennett, S.", published="2013", publisher="Udacity" } @Misc{tvgamedev, url="", title="Computer Game Development Tutorial", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{gametheorystanford, url="", title="Game Theory", authors="Jackson, M. O., Leyton-Brown, K., Shoham, Y.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Stanford University" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{aiplanning, url="", title="Artificial Intelligence Planning", authors="Wickler, G., Tate, A.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/University of Edinburgh" } @Misc{ggpcoursera, url="", title="General Game Playing", authors="Genesereth, M.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Stanford University" } @Misc{aiudacity, url="", title="Introduction to Artificial Intelligence", authors="Thrun, S., Norvig, P.", published="2013", publisher="Udacity" } @Misc{aiedxberkeley, url="", title="Artificial Intelligence", authors="Klein, D., Abbeel, P.", published="2013", publisher="edX/BerkeleyX" } @Misc{tvai, url="", title="Artificial Intelligence", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvai2, url="", title="Artificial Intelligence", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{CryptoI, url="", title="Crypto I", authors="Boneh, D.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Stanford Univeristy" } @Misc{CryptoII, url="", title="Crypto II", authors="Boneh, D.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/Stanford University" } @Misc{srinivasan2013engineering, url="", authors="Evans, D.", publisher="Udacity ", published="2012", title="Applied Cryptography" } @Misc{khanappliedmath, url="", title="Applied Math", authors="", published="2013"/ , publisher="Khan Academy" } @Misc{tvcrypto, url="", title="Cryptography and Network Security", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{rosol2012ecc, url="", title="Základní principy nesymetrické kryptografie s eliptickými křivkami", authors="Rosol, I.", published="2012", publisher="Smart Cards & Devices Forum 2012" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{tvcfundamentals, url="", title="Fundamentals of C Programming", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvcpptut, url="", title="C++ Tutorial for Beginners", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvcppfunds, url="", title="Fundamentals of C++ Programming", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvcfunds, url="", title="Fundamentals of C Programming", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvcpptuts, url="", title="C++ Beginner Tutorials", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvcpplinkedlist, url="", title="Data Structures: Linked Lists in C++", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" } @Misc{tvcppsolve, url="", title="Program and Solve Problems with C++", authors="", published="2013", publisher="LearnersTV" }
@Comment{refnotes, namespace = ":cite" } @Misc{scalacoursera, url="", title="Functional Programming Principles in Scala", authors="Odersky, M.", published="2013", publisher="Coursera/EPFL" }