Table of Contents

Secure Storage

Secure Storage
founder: pasky
depends on:
interested: EDITME1
software license: -
hardware license: -

~~META: status = active &relation firstimage = :project:1984-big-brother.jpg ~~

We found our the hard way that for keeping expensive stuff in brmlab (be it stored parts, shared equipment or personal stuff), some sort of physical security is required. This may mean lockpads, lockers, limited access to some areas, monitoring of theft by camera recordings, etc. This page aims to summarize options you have for securing precious things at brmlab, and coordinate efforts to make these options a reality.

The current consensus is that global video surveillance of brmlab rooms is a no-no, but monitored storage space shall be available in the storage room (sklad). Members currently have three options:

Volunteers needed to help make this a reality.

Monitored Storage Room


Other questions:

Cameras: Tested infrared camera with motion detection, HD resolution and 32 GB flash card can be bought for less than 4000 czk, for example

Should be enough for cca 30 days of activity.

SD card vs. Network storage

SD card:

Network storage:

Locked Equpiment

What works and what doesn't?

Lockable Drawers


Some people want to protect their personal stuff, i.e. not happy with just putting stuff to a club mate box. Everyone could come up with their own solution, or we can go with something like a block of drawers on the right.

Then, it may be best to require extra monthly payment to regulate usage; we may then extend it with digital lock control or something like that later.