Table of Contents

OSS Crypto support

Open Source Crypto support group
founder: ruza
depends on:
interested: kxt
software license: open
hardware license: open

~~META: status = active &relation firstimage = :project:opensourcecrypto.png ~~

Aim of the project

How to save the world?

Common issues

Call for specific help



Which Android mail client I should use?

Email client Crypto provider supported not supported
K-9 mail APG, OpenKeychain PGP/inline PGP/MIME
Kaiten mail APG PGP/inline PGP/MIME
Squeaky mail APG / PGP Keyring PGP/MIME
Maildroid Flipdog crypto plugin PGP/MIME, PGP/inline, S/MIME
r2mail2 internal PGP/MIME, PGP/inline, S/MIME
crypto provider exportable
APG yes
OpenKeychain yes
Flipdog plugin probably not
PGP Keyring yes
GNU privacy guard unable to do anything on Lollipop
(not compiled with PIE support)

Crypto-Anonymity Knowledgebase