Deka - an OpenCL A5/1 cracker

Deka is a fast, free and portable A5/1 (that's the cipher used in mobile phones) cracker written in OpenCL. Thanks to efficient use of vector instructions and hard-drive NCQ, the Kc key on a real-world GSM network can usually be recovered in 5-60 seconds with 2 minutes RTT (i.e., cracking many keys in parallel) depending on network security, signal quality etc. (test machine is a high-end desktop: 8 core AMD FX-8150, 32 GB RAM, 3x ATI HD 7970, 4x ADATA SX900)

Deka started as an attempt to port Kraken, the first A5/1 cracker available, to AMD GCN architecture, and resulted in a complete rewrite. Deka is binary compatible with Kraken, allowing easy evaluation and seamless switch.



To be honest, there are some.


Nice to have features:

Alternative features:

Attack in a nutshell

TL;DR You can go through the A5/1 keyspace and save some “distinguished points”. When you want to recover the key, you reconstruct the keyspace from the nearest distinguished point. (I want to know more!)

Deka listens on a TCP socket, waits for a keystream and once you submit one, it finds a secret state that resulted in this keystream. Hence you need some GSM sniffer, keystream guesser, TCP client and secret state processor. gsmtk implements exactly that.

Recommended configuration:

We need to do an equivalent of 5 billion A5/1 encryptions and read 200k pseudorandom 4KiB blocks from disk to crack a key on an insecure network (multiply with 10 on secure network).


Getting deka


A5/1 cracking turned out to be a complicated task, at least for some. Unfortunately, I can't provide support with basic Linux and programming skills. These things include for example:
  • Ability to read the installation manual and comments in configuration files.
  • Understanding the concept of “files”, “directories”, “devices” and “addresses”.
  • Understanding the concepts of “Makefile”, “compiler” and “JIT”.

Please don't take this as some meanness, I just started getting tons of emails from people who obviously don't follow. If you have found a real bug, have some improvement, or are just interested in technical discussion, you are welcome.



Deka (n.):

Vankúš is Slovak for a small rodent gopher; the userspace OpenCL library called oclvankus may resemble another cracker, oclhashcat.

Paplón is Slovak for goose.