rEyKG LKD210

This is transportable small EKG monitor originally used in ambulance cars.

Field operation manual

  1. Prerun check:
    • Batteries: Displayed current should be more than 120 uA. If not, charge before use.
    • Amplifier set to zero
    • Open the display lid
  2. Connect EKG cable to U1
  3. Connect EKG cable to subject:
    • RED → right hand
    • YELLOW → left hand
    • BLACK → right leg
    • GREEN → left leg
  4. Power ON:
    • 1st time it will not start
    • 2nd time it will boot up (wait few secs)
  5. Measuring:
    • Select circuit (svod)
    • Wait for signal to stabilize
      1. Press amplifier down to zero the signal
      2. If running away, press again
    • Set speed
    • Set brightness to usable minimum
  6. Power OFF:
    • Disconnect subject
    • Press power off
    • Close the lid
Do NOT touch contrast and vertical shift


Recharge if displayed current is lower than 120 uA!

Do NOT use when recharging!

  1. Screw out batteries (back panel)
  2. Pull out charger + connectors
  3. Charger LED:
    • Blue = fully charged
    • Red = charging
  4. Power source - any 5V (build in microUSB connector)
  5. Recharge BOTH batteries, ONE in a time
  6. Screw charge + connectors back
  7. Runtime ~6 hours


  1. Set brightness to minimum
  2. Connect Arduino cable to C2 (SW same as Tesla EKG)
  3. BLACK wire is ground
  4. Set signal amplifier to reasonable minimum

Script for gnuplot to display all circuits (svody) in one plot. Let the circuits be: 1.txt for I, 2.txt for II,… 6.txt for aVF.

When using WXT terminal, run it in persistent mode “gnuplot -p raykg.gnuplot”

#set terminal wxt size dynamic
#set terminal svg size 1060,1280 dynamic enhanced
#set output 'raykg.svg'
set terminal png size 1060,1280
set output 'raykag.png'

set key left outside
#set key vertical left

set mxtics
set mytics
set style line 12 lc rgb '#dddddd' lt 1 lw 1.5
set style line 13 lc rgb '#dddddd' lt 1 lw 0.5
set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics back ls 12, ls 13
set ytics scale 1

unset xtics
set xtics format ""
set xtics scale 1

set xrange [100:1000]
set multiplot layout 6,1

set ylabel "I"
plot "./1.txt" every ::0 notitle "I" with line
unset ylabel
set ylabel "II"
plot "./2.txt" every ::4535 notitle "II" with line
unset ylabel
set ylabel "III"
plot "./3.txt" every ::78 notitle "III" with line
unset ylabel
set ylabel "aVL"
plot "./4.txt" every ::110 notitle "aVL" with line
unset ylabel
set ylabel "aVR"
plot "./5.txt" every ::0 notitle "aVR" with line

set format x '%0.f'
unset ylabel
set ylabel "aVF"
plot "./6.txt" every ::40 notitle "aVF" with line
unset multiplot
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