This is transportable small EKG monitor originally used in ambulance cars.
Do NOT use when recharging!
Script for gnuplot to display all circuits (svody) in one plot. Let the circuits be: 1.txt for I, 2.txt for II,… 6.txt for aVF.
When using WXT terminal, run it in persistent mode “gnuplot -p raykg.gnuplot”
#set terminal wxt size dynamic #set terminal svg size 1060,1280 dynamic enhanced #set output 'raykg.svg' set terminal png size 1060,1280 set output 'raykag.png' set key left outside #set key vertical left set mxtics set mytics set style line 12 lc rgb '#dddddd' lt 1 lw 1.5 set style line 13 lc rgb '#dddddd' lt 1 lw 0.5 set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics back ls 12, ls 13 set ytics scale 1 unset xtics set xtics format "" set xtics scale 1 set xrange [100:1000] set multiplot layout 6,1 set ylabel "I" plot "./1.txt" every ::0 notitle "I" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "II" plot "./2.txt" every ::4535 notitle "II" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "III" plot "./3.txt" every ::78 notitle "III" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "aVL" plot "./4.txt" every ::110 notitle "aVL" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "aVR" plot "./5.txt" every ::0 notitle "aVR" with line set format x '%0.f' unset ylabel set ylabel "aVF" plot "./6.txt" every ::40 notitle "aVF" with line unset multiplot