This is outdated. We are working hard on getting this project finished (ETA Christmas 2013).
It seems that nobody cares about “ETA Christmas 2013”. (–Christmas 2015)

brmlab GSM stack is similar to ccch_scan, but should implement the following two important features:

It used to work, but now it is broken.

Despite having my e-mail address in AUTHORS file, I will not support this thing anymore. Use gsmtk or try to work this out.

Quick start guide to this distribution


 What you will need

  + A Linux distribution (tested Debian Wheezy and Fedora on x86 and amd64)
    + there used to be "recent" here, but it was here for several years, so "recent" is not required anymore
  + An osmocom-compatible phone (Motorola Cxxx) or modem (openmoko/freerunner) and serial interface to it
  + Wireshark 1.8.0 or newer
  + ~600 MB of disk space
  + 1337 h4x1n9 skillz

It would be nice to have
  + More phones
  + Uplink filters removed
    Phones have bandpass filter that they don't receive uplink well (only 10-30 metres).
  + Access to a fast A5/1 cracker (demand 1s/burst throughput and 10s latency :)
    It is possible to do some work on desktop with 2TB harddrive, but it's extremely slow.
  + Genuine brmbora™ hardware with Next-Businness-Day support

The compilation of all sources will take several minutes on a modern Core i* computer or 2 hours on Intel Atom netbook.


 OsmocomBB firmware

  + Install ARM toolchain. The phone is an arm, so we will crosscompile on our x86.
  + git clone git://
  + git checkout sylvain/burst_ind
    this branch has patched DSP so it allows us to sniff traffic off-the-air
  + make


 Installing other tools

  + Copy mysrc/.omgsm to ~
  + edit ~/.omgsm/config and ~/.omgsm/phones
    GSMPATH=path to this
    GSMDEFSESSION=where sniffed data are stored (usually several MB per hour)
    GSMMAXCELLS=when scanning for BTS, pick N strongest
    GSMKRAKENHOST,GSMKRAKENPORT=where your A5/1 cracker lives
      they tend to listen only on localhost, so try ssh -L 6666:localhost:6666
    GSMBRMBORACTL=where brmbora™ conTROLLer is
      leave blank if you don't have a brmbora™ genuine device and order on at
    GSMSESSION=current session, will be set automatically on first run
  + cd mysrc; make
  + Kraken will tell you the secret state at some round of A5/1 keystream generator. You need something to backclock (revert and extract original key) the cipher. Use find_kc from Kraken-Utilities patched with our version to support uplink.
    git clone git://
    cd kraken/Utilities
    cp mysrc/find_kc.cpp .
    make find_kc
    deposit the binary to GSMPATH/kraken/Utilities/


 Initializing hardware

Check scripts in bin/
  + Without a brmbora™ genuine device you need to press button on your phone.
  + You should see the firmware loading. The correct output should have the following features:
     Received PROMPT1 from phone, responding with CMD
     read_file(../../target/firmware/board/compal_e88/hello_world.compalram.bin): file_size=27192, hdr_len=4, dnload_len=27199
     Received PROMPT2 from phone, starting download
     handle_write(): finished
     Received DOWNLOAD ACK from phone, your code is running now!
     LOST nnnn!
    If it got stuck before the "LOST" message, try again. Contact your brmbora™ authorized reseller in case of problems.


 Initianing a new session, scanning BTS



 Investigating the SESSION direstory

arfcn    - what channels we will sniff on
new/     - captured data
tmsi2bursts.txt - phones seen on air and their data


 Start sniffing

Some .dat files should appear in SESSION/new/. They are usually 5-15 kB each.

FIXME We now have better sniffer using master-slave architecture useful if you have 4+ phones. See bin/ for more info.


 Viewing sniffed data with Wireshark

iptables -A INPUT -p UDP --dport 4729 -j DROP
# we will send dummy packets and kernel will reply with ICMP port unreachable

start Wireshark on localhost

gsm_convert -f SESSION/new/file-to-view.dat -d
will convert data to GSMTAP frames and send them to Wireshark

Some packets should appear in Wireshark:


 Cracking your own data from your very own phone of course!

Use for a statistical keystream guesser with up to 100% efficiency on less-secure networks and ability to crack about 50% of traffic even on secure networks!


 Viewing cracked data

start Wireshark on localhost

gsm_convert -f SESSION/new/file-to-view.dat -k KEY

Interesting .dat files are the bigger ones (10kB). Interesting frames are "GSM-SMS CP-DATA".
See for tips how to extract phone numbers, SMS messages etc.
See this link for guessing which types of communication are in the file even berofe it is cracked: