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DIY cotton candy machine

DIY cotton candy machine
founder: chido
depends on:
interested: mrkva
software license: -
hardware license: -

~~META: status = finished &relation firstimage = :project:spinning_head_of_the_cotton_candy_maker.jpg ~~

We've assembled a functional cotton candy machine. It works fine using both normal and brown sugar, flavoring can be added with crushed hard candy (or whatever you want as long as it is in powder form, water-based food coloring won't work because the sugar doesn't cottonify if moist).

Here you can find pictures from our first (and successful) attempt.


We built our machine out of these:

RC receiver and transmitter can be replaced with PPM signal generating microcontroller (or Arduino) Optional:


How to use it:

Turn on the burner, but be careful not to make it too hot, the sugar will caramellize and won't make cottony strands. Add two-three spoonfuls of sugar into the can, turn on the motor, and wait for the sugar to melt - strands of cotton candy will start appearing around the spinning can. Enjoy!