Final goal : Graphic interface to mind based on subconsciousnes generated visual data showed in visual field ( mind eye ).
Experience over the last two years have shown many risks,side effects and lot of ways how not to do it.
Intention make this interface cause many poroblems its create intention/suggestions working in the subconscious which i long time not knew about.This suggestions cuase lowering of preception priority of physical senses and lowering significance of physical reality as a whole. These changes did not create the required interface (for reasons which i found out much later)but create interesting side effects. Lowering priority of physical reality freed resources for this perception used , this free resources began to be used subconsciousnes processes. Physical manifestations were more fatique and impaired senses especially vision. Mental symptoms increased perception of emotions, thoughts and emotions foreign to me, preception of “ghosts”, comunication with “ghosts” and different kinds of aspects of personality, better comunication with awareness. Especially in the beginning it was very difficult i had headaches and emotions with limited control over them.Gradually I learned how to navigate and working with them sensations became intense but controlable.I knew that essentially exhibit classic symptoms of schizophrenia but i began have state sufficiently under control to allow me to explore this state and its mechanisms deeper (dangerous but exciting journey). I have gained an interesting new perspective on how schizophrenia works which included a much broader view of different interactions at different levels. For example, as trigger “schizophrenia” can serve any phenomenon that reduces priority physicals or physiacal reality importance or something witch increse priority of nonplysical senses and reality.This lowering can by cased for exmple by depresion , deterioration of the physical senses , intention/suggestions. Recently, trying to fix the setting of priorities of physical senses and at the same time you maitain advantages nonphysical perception give me.
Of the 120 images, 80.9% (97) were classified as occurringin SO-stage 4 (EEG flattening) whereas 12.5% (15) wereclassified as occurring in SO-stage 5 (theta ripples). Onlyseven images (5.8%) occurred in SO-stages 1 or 2, a singleimage (0.8%) occurred in SO-stage 7, and no images occurredin SO-stages 8 and 9. * Spectral Powerof Kinesthetic and Visual Images
*indicated reduced power during image samples regardless of whether these were visual or kinesthetic. The effect was by farmost generalized for alpha, for which all 19 electrodessignificantly discriminated awake from imagery samples. *Findings from two previous self-observational studies(Nielsen, 1991, 1995) suggested that images produced withthis method are temporally-linked to the initiation of muscleatonia and/or phasic neuromuscular events such as limbtwitches and head jerks. If this is the case, then it is also likelythat atonia-linked movements experienced by our subjectsduring the task awakened them before they progressed beyondSO-stage 4 or, at most, 5.
field. By analogy, unstructured or de-structured stimulation can be applied to other sensory systems, e.g., auditory or tactile. Studies aiming at induction of ASC have been using ‘multi-modal ganzfeld’ (MMGF), i.e., simultaneous exposure to unstructured visual and auditory input.
ground differentiation in the ganzfeld and colour perception (see Avant, 1965, for a review, cf. also Tsuji et al., 2004).
2002; Pu¨ tz et al., 2006) a red-coloured incandescent 60-W lamp, placed at a distancew120 cm from the eye-shields, was used as the light source; in recent studies, where a precise control of the ganzfeld colour is important, a computerdriven, xenon lamp based D-ILA projector has been used (Pu¨ tz and Wackermann, 2007). The choice of red colour reportedly (Cohen, 1958) facilitates the observers’ ‘immersion’ in the ganzfeld.
already after a relatively short exposure to the visual or MMGF (a few minutes). The visual field’s luminance diminishes and the field shows diffuse inhomogeneities, often described as a ‘cloudy fog’. In case of a colour ganzfeld, the field’s colour gradually bleaches, up to the point of a loss of the sensation of colour: the field is of indefinite grey, sometimes with an undertone of the complementary colour, e.g., greyish-green if red light is used. In addition, more distinct structures may appear against the diffuse ‘foggy’ background: dots, zig-zag lines, or more complex patterns. Generally, these elementary perceptual phenomena can be accounted for by adaptive retinal processes: saturation of the receptive elements and their mutually inhibitory interactions
minutes) to the ganzfeld, some subjects report complex percepts
ganzfeld are episodes of ‘‘complete disappearance of the sense of vision for short periods of time’’, also called ‘blankouts’ (Cohen, 1960), occurring after prolonged exposure (10– 20 min) to the ganzfeld. Subjects also report that during these periods they were uncertain whether their eyes were open or closed, or even unable to control their eye movements. In the ‘luminous fog’ of the ganzfeld the subjects do not see anything; in the ‘blank-out’ periods, they may experience presence of ‘nothingness’ (Gibson, 1979).
three reported above emerged after a ‘blank-out’ period. Herrmann (2001) in an electroencephalographic (EEG) study of the visual cortex’s response to a flickering visual field observed the appearance of subjective colours and forms. Herrmann and Elliott (2001) described the variety of these perceptual phenomena as a function of flicker frequency (1– 40 Hz). Recently, Becker and Elliott (2006) reported cooccurrences of forms and colours in a flickering ganzfeld being dependent on flicker frequency, and phase relationship between the subject’s response and the flicker period.
The image created by the eye’s optical system can be fixed on the retina by special techniques (Heckenmueller, 1965). The structure of the visual field thus remains preserved but the scanning motion due to eye movements is inhibited. Under these conditions, partial or total ‘fade-outs’ of the visual field may occur (Yarbus, 1967), indicating that a regular refreshing is necessary for maintaining the visual structure. We may hypothesise a relationship between these ‘fade-outs’ and the ‘blank-out’ periods in ganzfeld, where eye movements are reportedly reduced.
revealed functional differences between sub-bands within the alpha frequency range: low-frequency alpha, reflecting rather attentional processes, and high-frequency alpha reflecting cognitive processes (Klimesch, 1997, 1999; cf. also Shaw, 2003).
higher alpha activity in the resting EEG and individual susceptibility to ‘blank-outs’. Cohen (1960) interpreted occurrence of alpha activity during the ‘blank-outs’ as alpha rebounddthis is a well-known phenomenon where, after a transitory suppression e.g., due to an external stimulus, eyes opening, etc., alpha activity attains the original level, or even increases. Tepas (1962) found an increase of alpha amplitude during the ‘blank-outs’, which was intermediate to ‘eyes closed’ and ‘eyes open’ conditions, but could not confirm the hypothesised relation between high alpha activity and blank-out susceptibility. These findings are in line with early observations by Adrian and Matthews (1934), who had previously reported alpha rebound after eyes opening in a uniform visual field. Later, Lehtonen and Lehtinen (1972) also reported re-occurrence of alpha activity in the ganzfeld, comparable to the ‘eyes closed’ condition. Increase of alpha activity was also observed during the ‘fade-out’ periods in perception of stabilised retinal images (Lehmann et al., 1967); this supports the relation to ganzfeld ‘blank-outs’ hypothesised above. As shown in the preceding sections, the variety of ganzfeld- induced phenomena is fairly rich and suggests relations to several different classes of perceptual phenomena and/or states of consciousness. Objective characterisation of the brain’s functional states under ganzfeld stimulation by means of EEG measures may help to elucidate these relations. This was the objective of our two major ganzfeld studies, results of which are summarised below.
that eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions are not equivalent even in the absence of any visual input (Marx et al., 2003).
waking states were best distinguished by the band power ratio a2/a1 (frequency ranges 10–12 Hz and 8–10 Hz, respectively), which was increased in the ganzfeld EEG, indicating an acceleration of the alpha activity. Visual inspection of the spectra reveals a power drop along the lower flank of the alpha peak in the ganzfeld EEG, leading to an increase of the peak frequency
the time segment 20–10 sec before the report. A time–frequency analysis of the data gave additional evidence for alpha acceleration (Wackermann et al., 2003).
profiles’ over the analysed 30 sec time window. The most stable correlation over this time window was a global (i.e., involving all 19 channels) negative correlation between a2 power, measured relative to individual GFB baselines, and subject-reported vividness of imagery.
was interpreted by Pu¨ tz et al. (2006) as an indicator of activation of thalamo-cortical feedback loops involved in retrieval, activation and embedding of memory content in the ganzfeld-induced imagery. The observed a1 attenuation during the analysis epoch may reflect a shift of attention towards the visual percept and, later, preparation of the required motor action (button press signalling occurrence of imagery). The unspecific alpha-inducing effect of the ganzfeld-induced steady-state (no imagery) is in line with the inhibition hypothesis (i.e., alpha synchronisation due to inhibition of cortical areas related to external sensory information processing), and with earlier findings of other authors mentioned above
*comparing electrophysiological signatures of sleep onset, waking mentation and ganzfeld, it was established that ganzfeld imagery occurs in a brain functional state which is distinctly different from that occurring at sleep onset
* The subjects’ eyes were covered by translucent, anatomically shaped goggles, which were illuminated by bright red light. Simultaneously they were listening to the monotonous sound of a waterfall through headphones. Sound intensity was individually adjusted to a subjectively comfortable level. This procedure has proven to accomplish an almost perfect homogenisation of visual and acoustic sensory field
*alfa1/alfa2 location Pz *a1 power shows a minor but continuous decrease during the entire 30-s analysis interval,while a2 displays a distinct tri-phasic time course: initially (30 to 21 s) reduced power, relative to baseline level; followed by a F burst_up to the baseline level in the second sub-interval (20 to11 s), and finally a monotonic and strong decrease during thelast sub-interval (10 to 2 s). These time courses are reflected by the corresponding Z values *differences in the time course of the two a sub-bands are particularly well expressed by the a2/a1 ratio , 8–10 Hz (a1), 10–12 Hz (a2) (a2/a1=-2)
*negative coreleation of a2 power *There was a positive global correlation for variables b3 power and vividness of imagery
this chnage is noticable in relaxation but is hard to describe it its like change from 2D to 3D balacknes diffent preception of space .This change have different levels i suspect it depends how much senses is turn off (vision , proprioreception..)
EOG and automatic drawing test 10min
Goal : compare EOG (delta amplitude ) to increase FV priority
Result :
Audio EOG biofeedback to minimalize eye movements
visualized ones have higer P than asociation , asociation higher than automatic (in similar time in one session )
TO DO –)increase vertical resolution and add more senses
'fleeting' vs. 'fully-formed' images. These two image types are distinguishable by several qualities, including the following.
Temporal. Fleeting images tend to occur during the first stages of a self-observa tion trial, before a fully-formed image has arisen.
self-observation without a firmly established intent. Fully-formed images are more enduring and thus more easily observed and recalled.
. Unlike a fully-formed hypnagogic image, a fleeting image may occur in only a single sensory modality. It may consist of nothing more than an isolated flash of visual scenery, a single fragment of spoken voice, or a brief moment of kinesthetic sensation. Fully-formed images may be comprised of all three modalities.
Ineffability . Because they are brief, simple and outside the range of most observers' waking and dreaming experiences, fleeting images may easily defy verbal description. Momentary kinesthetic sensations are particularly difficult to describe because there is a lack of a commonly accepted vocabulary for the domain of kinesthetic experience. Fully-formed images more nearly resemble nocturnal dreams and are similarly more amenable to description. To characterize the nature of fleeting images adequately, an observer must often advance either metaphoric discourse or completely novel terminology.
Association with sleep onset feelings. As shown in Table 2, fleeting images are often completely inseparable from subtle sleepiness feelings, as if the images were an integral part of sleepiness itself. Although sleep onset feelings may also accompany fully-formed images, in these cases they are often not obvious. Their ephemeral nature may be masked by the dramatic complexity of more fully-formed multimodal imagery
arly accompany hypnagogic images, such as limb jerks, were found to be isomorphic with some imagery content. In Study 1 (fully-formed images), phasic NMEs were found to accompany 56.7% of images. In Study 2 (fleeting images), this proportion was only 16.7%. However, the proportions of phasic NME types for the two classes of imagery were strikingly similar: head tilts (61.5% v. 56.4%), leg jerks (23.1% v. 23.1%), arm jerks (7.7% v. 15.4%) and whole body jerks (7.7% v. 5.1%) respectively. It seems likely that many NMEs accompanying fleeting images were too subtle or transient to be detected by this self-observation technique, a possibility supported by physiological recordings, such as those in Study 3.
variable, the pattern of EEG changes was similar from image to image. These findings suggest that the production of hypnagogic imagery for this observer may have a more or less invariant underlying physiological pattern. The relationship of this pattern to that of the previously-described phenomenological events remains tobe clarified. However, it seems likely that the observed in EEG activity correspond to periods of activation and deactivation of hypnagogic imagery processes * In most cases, cessation of eye activity was followed by a diminution in alpha activity and EEG amplitude across most channels and an increase in the prevalence of other frequency bands.
Lucid Dream by use of multisensory integration NV scene H 2-3 stabilized by sense of touch in legs to H5. Some route in forest near water i look at feet and focus to sense of touch (to grass , groud)it takes bout 20s to stabilize to H5.LD have about 5 parts whn drem destabilize i stabilze it again sometimes i almoust lost sense of vison. * i have EEG recording form Fp1 and T5 somwhere in it is LD recorded
Recording for Automatic drawing was turn OF i try reconstrut some inromation from memory but resutl gave many gaps and i doun tknou how reaiable it is .
K complexes