Table of Contents

founder: Artem
depends on:
interested: RAINBOF
software license: -
hardware license: -

~~META: status = live ~~

What is ❓

👉 Gotohelp is a psychological emergency aid platform created to provide online 24/7 assistance to victims of hostilities on any device.

👉 The platform connects the psychologist and the person needing emergency psychological help “here and now”.

👉 Managed by volunteers with psychological education and experience in providing emergency psychological assistance in emergency situations.

👉 The project was launched in 2020.


GOTOHELP HACKATHON 2020 is launching a hackathon to find solutions to the assistance of people affected by violence.

Hackathon topics

In the first stage of the hackathon, the teams will create solutions for one of the directions:

Product Idea

Goto Help - service of emergency psychological help in the format of video conference with the psychologist, available on any devices through a browser without the need to install.

The platform connects volunteer psychologists and those in need of emergency psychological assistance here and now.

What makes us different from other projects is that we provide emergency assistance, consultation at the moment of applying through video chat.

Here is an approximate range of requests:

Prototype from handy materials

At the end of the summer, I tried to prototype a web application for remote “emergency psychological aid”.

It was decided to use the most available tools that would allow me to prototype the application with minimal resources.

To create a prototype I used Google technologies and services:

The site visitor chooses one of the currently available psychologists and goes to a video conference or “virtual office”.

Minuses: rigid binding to the schedule of psychologists and the need to draw up duty schedules.

Production: current release, revision of architecture, technology and processes

A couple of months have passed since the prototype was created, during which time the platform has undergone radical changes - from the technologies used to the application process.

How everything works from the user's perspective

From a psychologist's point of view.

Let's assume that I passed the interview, confirmed my education, level of expertise and became a volunteer psychologist of the initiative.

After that, I am added to Telegram Chat, where the bot sends a link to a video conference with a person waiting to be received.

Applications can be of different categories depending on what happened to the person and in what condition he is at the moment of application.

The application is processed by one of the specialists, who is online at that moment and is ready to receive the person.

From the point of view of the person who has applied for help

I need help, I went to the site and read the instructions on how to get it.

I pressed the button that describes what is happening to me.

Right in my browser, I open a video chat.

I wait for some time and the psychologist who conducts a session of emergency psychological aid joins me. If I failed to contact the psychologist, I will leave my contacts through the feedback form.

How everything works from the developer perspective

Technologies used:

Two cloud Google functions form the basis of logic.

The backend defines the type of application and notifies the specialists who have chosen to process specific types of applications: panic attack, survived violence.

After pressing one of the buttons, the person is redirected to the newly created video conference, the link to which is sent by a telegram-bot in a chat [live applications] with psychologists, where the application will process one of the currently available volunteers.

People: forming a community of "volunteer psychologists"

On Instagram, I found a publication with contacts of psychologists, who are ready to provide volunteer psychological help. After that, I contacted these specialists and told them about the Help platform with an offer to take part in the project.

Over 10% of specialists responded. Then a team of specialists was gathered to organize the process of selecting new volunteers.

This is necessary to find out if the volunteer has relevant experience in providing psychological assistance in emergency situations. If a person meets the professional criteria, they are added to the telegram chat initiatives.

After two chat rooms were created in Telegram:

[headquarters] - a chat for general communication of project participants, bug reports and updates.

[live applications] - a chat room where a bot drops links to a video conference where a psychologist is waiting for a person who has applied for emergency psychological help.

Promotion: integration of the Goto Help platform into existing initiatives

At the moment the platform is integrated into the “Good People” initiative, which organizes a variety of support for people in difficult life situations.

The Goto Help link is sent to the person who asked for help along with other instructions.

If the person is in critical condition, he can use emergency psychologist help.

Processing the first live applications for emergency psychological aid

Three months have passed from the idea to the first emergency psychological aid through the platform Goto Help.

I'm glad that I chose training and profession related to Aichi as a hobby and was engaged in organizing events in recent years. This gave me the opportunity to learn engineering thinking and approach to organizing joint activities to implement this project.

I would like to thank everyone who has joined the project and is only going to do it.

New functionality

Group lessons

The process of collecting applications for participation in group classes has been introduced.


Click on one of the buttons and fill out the participant form. Wait for connection to the group, it may take up to several days. Group meetings are held in the format of video conferences.

Types of groups:

Participants are healthy people who want to get to know themselves better through group experience, to build closer relationships with others, to improve interpersonal skills, and to find and remove obstacles that prevent them from realizing their potential. The most common types of groups are meeting groups and training groups.

Participants are people with life and personal difficulties. Such groups are usually organized in certain institutions (schools, employment centers, enterprises, psychological counseling centers).

Participants - people with various mental disorders that manifest themselves in behavior and emotional sphere. The groups are divided into psychological problem solving groups, behavioral change and education groups (for example, work with obese people, alcoholism, nervous anorexia, bulimia, myocardial infarction, diabetes, etc.), rehabilitation groups, and social adaptation groups for chronic psychiatric patients.

Lectures and webinars

The process of collecting applications for participation in lectures and webinars has been introduced.


Click on one of the buttons and fill in the participant form. Wait for an event to be added to the group or a link to the mail broadcast, it may take up to several days. Lectures and workshops should be held in the format of video conferences.


Zname problemy / known bugs

UI/UX (ovladani)


List of specialists who are ready HELP BELARUSIANS FOR FREE (doctors, lawyers, etc.):


More than 100 psichologists online

10+ psichologists


Already in ZOOM:

Children paichologits:








Nurses Minsk:


HIV / AIDS infectious disease specialist


Endoscopist Brest



Therapist, cardiologist


Physician functional and ultrasound diagnostics


CHILDREN Neurologists:

