Tohle setkani je primarne zamerene na vsechno co se tyka znacky Commodore. Od KIM-1 az po Commodore PC. Dokonce do toho zahrnuju i kalkulacky a digitalni naramkove hodinky znacky Commodore. Od original vyrobku po posledni technologicke vychytavky jako je Chameleon nebo nejnovejsi C1541 Ultimate. Existuje taky hodne starsich veci od CMD, i nejake no-name zalezitosti, proste pokud je to vyrobeno pro pocitac Commodore, je to vitano! A vy taky!
Pristi party je planovana na ctvrtek …..(datum najdete v kalendari)…., od 19h, konec akce cca ve 23 :)
O akci:
Prvni MCM party byla ve ctvrtek, 15. cervna 2017, od 20:00
Mame uz nekolik ruznych akci pro retro-computingove fandy. Ale nejsou moc casto a zadna se nespecializuje na nasi platformu. Takze tady to mame, MCM je tu pro vsechny ty Commodore kramy, co jich ve svete je.
Skvela ucast! Prislo snad deset lidi…
Zejmena me nadchli old school kluci z puvodni skupiny RUSH.
Amiga 1200, C64, C1541, C1571, C1581
V peti to taky jde.
Poprve jsem videl funkcni svuj VC20 a mohl ho otestovat s rozsirenim 16k RAM.
C64, VC20
Nekdo prisel poprve, nekdo znovu.
Delali jsme nejake opravy, hlavne jsem si ale poklabosili.
C64, Amigy
Skvela ucast, dekuju.
Delali jsme nejake opravy, pokec a gamesy.
C64, Amigy
Opet skvela ucast, vsem dekuju.
HW testy a hry.
Tentokrat hlavne C64
… Presnejsi dokumentaci uz nedelam.
Rekordni ucast, seslo se nas 14 (vcetne mne), vsem dekuju.
HW testy, hry, pokec…
This meeting is primarily focused on all of the Commodore brand and related stuff. From KIM-1 to Commodore PC. Even Commodore brand calculators of digital wrist watches are in the scope. From the original equipment to the latest technology advancements like the Chameleon, or the newest C1541 Ultimate. There is a lot of older CMD equipment, also some no-name stuff, but once it is made for the Commodore brand computer, it is welcome! And you are also!
Next session is planed for Thursday ….(find the date in the event list)…., 19:00
First MCM session was held on Thursday June 15th 2017, 20:00
There are some other meetings for the retro computing fans. But those are not so often and none is specialized for our platform. So here we go, MCM is for all the Commodore stuff out there.
Nice attendance! There was some 10 guys there…
I was surprised especially by the old school guys from the group RUSH.
Amiga 1200, C64, C1541, C1571, C1581
Even in five there was some fun.
I saw my VC20 working for the first time and was finally able to test it with 16k RAM expansion.
C64, VC20
Some people again, some for the first time
Servicing and discussions
C64, Amigas
Amazing attendance, thanks.
We did some repairs, chat a bit and of course gaming.
C64, Amigas
Again, nice attendance, thank you all.
HW testing and games.
This time mostly C64
… I'm not gonna document every session anymore.
Record breaking attendance, it was 14 of us (including me), thank you all!
HW tests, games, chat…