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28C3: No Nerd Left Behind

28c3 No nerd left behind
organizer: kxt
date/time: 27.12.2012 - 30.12.2011
place: brmlab

Each year last few days CCC conference takes place in Berlin. For those unable to attend the Congress events are organized all around the Globe to celebrate their own hack experience, watch the streams, discuss, participate via twitter or chats, drink Mate and have a good time. This years remote mission events are having code name “No nerd left behind” and one of them also happening in brmlab, prague hackerspace.

If you have other cool ideas how to make the distributed 28C3 the coolest congress ever, just comment on what you can bring, what you'd like to see and what you need.

What The .. Little Mole?

Little Mole (aka Krtecek) was chosen by brmlab orgas as a mascot of this event for the following reasons:


Day 1 - 2011-12-27

Day 2 - 2011-12-28

Day 3 - 2011-12-29

Day 4 - 2011-12-30

I'll be there (for You)

anyone willing to come to this event can show off his/her/its presence on the following list