{{template>infobox| name=Jiri Dluhos| nick=bluebear| email=jiri (dot) bluebear (dot) dluhos (at) gmail (dot) com| phone=+420 732 605 313| web=| photo=whitehat.jpg| irc=bluebear| jabber=bluebear@jabbim.cz }} * Biolab ([[project:biolab:start]]) * DIY medicine * Brain hacking and virtual reality * Mind-upload and similar religionistic things //So... I have a question for ya. Do you think that even the worst person can change? ... That everyone can be a good person if they just try?\\ (Sans the skeleton, [[https://undertale.com|UNDERTALE]])// //I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.\\ (Marie Curie)// //Life and death are a seamless continuum.\\ (Scruffy, Futurama)//