====== SarGrooPic ====== {{template>~infobox| name=SarGrooPic| image=sar_groo_logo.png?w=120&h=105| founder=[[user:sargon]]| interested=| hw=open-hardware| sw=open-source| status=preproduction}} First of all : **THIS PROJECT DOES NOT SUPPORT ILLEGAL OR MISUSAGE OF THIS TOOL FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES. PLEASE CONSIDER COPIRIGHT LAWS AND USE THIS TOOL ONLY FOR TESTING YOUR OR HOMEBREW APPLICATIONS ** Cheap and easy implementation of opensource PS3 jailbreak tool ,based on PIC 18F2550 with preloaded USB bootloader can be used also for other PIC based hacks and tools . [[http://psgroopic.blogspot.com/|PsgrooPIC Homepage , Sources and Download]] [[http://psgroove.com/|PsGroove Info Page]] [[http://www.waitingforfriday.com/index.php/Building_a_PIC18F_USB_device| WFF Building a PIC18F USB device]] ===== Motivation ===== - To learn PCB design - To create not only PS3 Hacking tool but also small and smart PIC development toy - Learn Microchip C18 development issues - Learn USB communication [USB-HID] ===== Progress ===== - Make electronics design [DONE] - Make PCB design [DONE] - Order PCB's from local PCB manufacturing company [DONE] - Try to flash Microchip's USB bootloader and test it [DONE] - Try PSGrooPIC functionality [DONE] - Try and play with USB-HID [in progress] - Prepare interface software (C++, C# , python , java ... any else ?) [planned] - Prepare functional libraries (character lcd , graphical lcd , buttons , buzzers ,etc ...) [planned] ===== Related links ===== [[http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en010273|MCU - Info + Datasheet's]] [[http://www.diolan.com/pic/bootloader.html| USB Bootloader]] [[http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Release%20Notes%20for%20MCHPFSUSB%20v1.3.htm|USB Bootloader from Microchip]] [[http://erricous.free.fr/ELECTRON/boot4550_en.html|Another USB bootloader :)]] [[http://pikdev.free.fr/|Opensource IDE with C compiler for 18F devices ]] [[http://piklab.sourceforge.net/| Another Opensource IDE with C compiler for 18F devices ]] [[http://vusb-analyzer.sourceforge.net/| VUSB Analyzer - not testet yet]] ===== Some Pic's ===== {{:project:sargroo_complete.png|}} {{:project:sargroo_front.png|}} {{:project:sargroo_back.png|}}