====== Hacking photons ======
name=Hacking photons|
interested=[[user:keram]]\\ [[user:kdave]]
|status=waiting for adoption}}
The aim of this project is to explore the quantum communication and computing, especially quantum cryptography.
===== Goals =====
- To design and build a DIY platform for single photon emission and detection; as cheap and simple as possible
- Photon polarization control and measurements
- Demonstrating as much as can be done with the hardware: true quantum level pseudo-random number generator, quantum secured communication, error correction codes, ...
- Spotting, exploiting and patching hardware vulnerabilities
- Finding security bugs and vulnerabilities in quantum physics and patching the universe
===== Motto =====
//"Will argue about particle-wave duality for food."// --- [[http://twitter.com/txrxlabs/status/10440732710|txrxlabs]]
===== Status and Roadmap =====
* Status: The founder has left hackerspace, the project is available for adoption.
* TODO: Realistic project proposal
===== Proposed hardware =====
* Source: highly attenuated short-pulsed laser
* Detector: avalanche photodiode, [[http://www.ebay.de/itm/Hamamatsu-R3788-Photomultiplier-Tube-PMTs-185-750nm-/110735874498?pt=Mess_Pr%C3%BCftechnik&hash=item19c85f59c2|Hamamatsu R3788 Photomultiplier Tube (PMTs) 185-750nm]]
===== Inspiration =====
===== Resources =====
* http://thevarsity.ca/articles/35567
* [[http://www.iet.ntnu.no/groups/optics/qcr/torbjoern/|Single photon detection using avalanche photodiode]], master thesis by Torbjoern Nesheim
* [[http://www.bourbaphy.fr/grangier.pdf|Experiments with single photons
]], PDF, Philippe Grangier on Séminaire Poincaré, 2005
* [[http://www.lasercomponents.com/fileadmin/user_upload/home/Datasheets/lc/veroeffentlichung/progress-through-photonics.pdf|Progress Through Photonics]], PDF, Winfried Reeb, [[http://www.lasercomponents.com/cz/|Laser Components GmbH]]
* [[http://sales.hamamatsu.com/assets/applications/SSD/Characteristics_and_use_of_SI_APD.pdf|Characteristics and use of
Si APD (Avalanche Photodiode)]], PDF
* [[http://www.iet.ntnu.no/groups/optics/qcr/|Quantum hacking group]], Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
* [[http://optics.upol.cz/cs/vyuka-laborator-kvantove-optiky|Laboratoř kvantové optiky]], Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc
* [[http://jointlab.upol.cz/info/spolecna-laborator-optiky-up-a-fzu-av-cr|Společná laboratoř optiky UP a FzÚ AV ČR]] (by the way, [[http://www.abclinuxu.cz/clanky/recenze/vyuziti-open-source-v-laboratori-kvantove-optiky|they like open source]])
* [[https://har2009.org/program/events/168.en.html|How we eavesdropped 100% of a quantum cryptographic key]] by [[http://www.vad1.com/|Vadim Makarov]]