====== rEyKG LKD210 ====== This is transportable small EKG monitor originally used in ambulance cars. === Field operation manual === - Prerun check: * Batteries: Displayed current should be more than 120 uA. If not, charge before use. * Amplifier set to zero * Open the display lid - Connect EKG cable to U1 - Connect EKG cable to subject: * RED -> right hand * YELLOW -> left hand * BLACK -> right leg * GREEN -> left leg - Power ON: * 1st time it will not start * 2nd time it will boot up (wait few secs) - Measuring: * Select circuit (svod) * Wait for signal to stabilize - Press amplifier down to zero the signal - If running away, press again * Set speed * Set brightness to usable minimum - Power OFF: * Disconnect subject * Press power off * Close the lid Do NOT touch contrast and vertical shift === Recharging === Recharge if displayed current is lower than 120 uA! Do NOT use when recharging! - Screw out batteries (back panel) - Pull out charger + connectors - Charger LED: * Blue = fully charged * Red = charging - Power source - any 5V (build in microUSB connector) - Recharge BOTH batteries, ONE in a time - Screw charge + connectors back - Runtime ~6 hours === PC === - Set brightness to minimum - Connect Arduino cable to C2 (SW same as [[project:medlab/ekg]]) - BLACK wire is ground - Set signal amplifier to reasonable minimum Script for gnuplot to display all circuits (svody) in one plot. Let the circuits be: 1.txt for I, 2.txt for II,... 6.txt for aVF. When using WXT terminal, run it in persistent mode "gnuplot -p raykg.gnuplot" #set terminal wxt size dynamic #set terminal svg size 1060,1280 dynamic enhanced #set output 'raykg.svg' set terminal png size 1060,1280 set output 'raykag.png' set key left outside #set key vertical left set mxtics set mytics set style line 12 lc rgb '#dddddd' lt 1 lw 1.5 set style line 13 lc rgb '#dddddd' lt 1 lw 0.5 set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics back ls 12, ls 13 set ytics scale 1 unset xtics set xtics format "" set xtics scale 1 set xrange [100:1000] set multiplot layout 6,1 set ylabel "I" plot "./1.txt" every ::0 notitle "I" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "II" plot "./2.txt" every ::4535 notitle "II" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "III" plot "./3.txt" every ::78 notitle "III" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "aVL" plot "./4.txt" every ::110 notitle "aVL" with line unset ylabel set ylabel "aVR" plot "./5.txt" every ::0 notitle "aVR" with line set format x '%0.f' unset ylabel set ylabel "aVF" plot "./6.txt" every ::40 notitle "aVF" with line unset multiplot Something went wrong? Contact [[user:ray]] for solution