====== LiveView hacking ====== {{template>:project:infobox| name=LiveView hacking| image=se-liveview.jpg?200| founder=[[user:stick]]| interested=[[user:b00lean]]| hw=?| sw=Modified BSD License| status=suspended}} ~~META: status = suspended &relation firstimage = :project:se-liveview.jpg ~~ The aim of this project is to hack on LiveView device - [[user:stick]] has bought one of these ... ===== Software ===== There are three areas of interest: - study the official SDK and create plugins for the official (Android) application * download SDK from [[http://developer.sonyericsson.com/wportal/devworld/downloads/download/liveviewmicrodisplaysdk|here]] - intercept bluetooth communication and send custom messages (e.g. from PC) * some experiments can be found [[http://code.google.com/p/adqmisc/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fliveview|here]] (see author's blog in the Hardware section) * [DONE] - see our git repo - http://github.com/prusnak/liveview - create custom open-source firmware and flash the device * ??? ===== Hardware ===== * [[http://www.wirelessgoodness.com/2010/10/08/teardown-cracking-open-sony-ericssons-liveview-android-mini-display/|LiveView teardown]] * http://adq.livejournal.com/ ===== Links ===== * [[http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/products/accessories/overview/liveview|official product website]] * http://www.dynawa.org/ - Czech effort to create open (hardware and software) intelligent watch