====== SolarRoboFlower Workshop + Metalab Talks ====== {{template>~infobox| name=SolarRoboFlower Workshop\\ + Metalab Talks| image=metabrm.jpg| organizer=-| datetime=31.3.2012| place=brmlab| stream=[[stream]]}} At the turn of March and April we'll host a special visit from [[https://metalab.at/|Metalab]] hackerspace in Vienna. On **Saturday 31.3** from **13:00** we plan to hold a **workshop** led by Florian 'overflo' Bittner who will teach you how to solder your own **SolarRoboFlower**. You absolutely don't have to be a hardware geek to join this workshop. **Come and make your own Flower!** {{solarroboflower.jpg?500}} If you want to attend the workshop, please **register** using >> [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dERFZWRrdGdJX2JBeXpGMUpiRDRqNXc6MQ|this form]] << and indicate which SolarRoboFlower kit you'd like to buy. There are two versions of the kit: * [[http://www.hackerspaceshop.com/robotics/solarroboflower-kit.html|Acrylic one]] (left) costs 60 EUR (1500 CZK) * [[http://www.hackerspaceshop.com/solarroboflower-kit-eco.html|Wood version]] (right) costs 40 EUR (1000 CZK). You can also buy the power supply for 6 EUR (150 CZK) if you don't have one. These prices are lower than on [[http://www.hackerspaceshop.com/|Hackerspaceshop]] (70 EUR/52 EUR), because you don't pay for any packaging or shipping. You can buy a kit during the workshop without registering, but if you DO register it will be much much more easier for us and Florian to organise the event. :-) ====== Schedule ====== * 13:00-17:00 **SolarRoboFlower Workshop** * 18:00-20:00 **Talks** * Introduction to [[http://www.hackerspaceshop.com/|Hackerspaceshop]] * The last year @ MetaLab * SolarRoboFlower (from idea to product) * etc. {{youtube>egF929u2DCk}} ==== Resultz ==== * https://secure.flickr.com/photos/brmlab/sets/72157629710152181/ * https://secure.flickr.com/photos/brmlab/6886729274/in/set-72157629710152181 {{youtube>0sFAnX4oCYk}} {{http://d.asset.soup.io/asset/3041/3933_bf39_960.jpeg?430}}