{{template>~infobox| name=MLAB| image=mlab_avatar.jpg| organizer=kaklik| datetime=8.2.2012, 18:00| place=brmlab| stream=[[stream]] }} ====== MLAB ====== ===== Kdo ===== {{:event:kaklik.jpeg? }} Jakub Kákona nas seznami s elektronickou stavebnici MLAB na jejimz vyvoji se podili. Představení projektu www.MLAB.cz a jeho možností při rychlé tvorbě moderního elektronického hardwaru a systémů pro pokusné a řídící aplikace. Bude demonstrována možnost spolupráce se známou platformou Arduino a Wiring. A dále realizace konstrukcí s procesory AVR, PIC a ARM.. Na závěr budou představeny některé vybrané konstrukce realizované z modulů MLAB, aktuálně probíhající vývoj a otevřena diskuse. http://www.mlab.cz/ ===== Purpose ===== Basic reason for existence of MLAB is the need for opened robust and somehow universal kit (as a box of universal bricks) for both electronic hobbyists and professionals. MLAB is focused on general electronics and microcontroller technology. It can be used for tuition as well. ===== Features ===== In opposite to another more known projects such as Arduino the MLAB is not a development platform focused to only one architecture of microprocessors but uses many types of chips from much manufactures. In addition the MLAB provide much better design reliability which is achieved by using the base board usually made from aluminium or single sided PCB material. The board is not only mechanical support but it is a good ground conductor as well. The base is furnished by holes for fastening of individual MLAB modules. The holes are places on a grid every 10.16mm (0.4inch). Dimension of a module can be any integer number of grid and screws are usually places to all four corners. recording: http://nat.brmlab.cz/talks/mlab.mkv {{tag>video}}