{{template>~infobox| name=Mitch Altman in Prague| image=:event:mitch_altman.jpg| organizer=[[user:ruza]]| datetime=14.-18.12.2012| place=brmlab| stream=[[stream]] or maybe not}} ===== Mitch Altman in Prague ===== [[wp>Mitch Altman]] announced [[https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/MitchTripEU_Nov_Dec_2012|his visit in Prague and Brmlab in December 2012]]. Mitch is a San Francisco-based hacker, inventor, founder of SF hackerspace called [[wp>Noisebridge]], Cornfield Electronics and generally inspiring guy. Mitch is willing to arrange workshop or talks related to his life, soldering and living in hackerspaces all around The Globe. ==== Sun 16.12.2012 15:00 Soldering workshop ==== **Learn how to solder** with Mitch Altman and put together a working electronic device from scratch! ([[https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/MitchTripEU_Nov_Dec_2012#Items|A variety of kits]] is available.) This is suitable even to total beginners who never held a solder iron in their hands before - soldering is fun and easy! But more skilled people will be welcome for sure as well. Some short talk may follow later in the afternoon - any suggestions and wishes are welcome, otherwise it will be a surprise. :-) The workshop starts at 3 PM on Sunday! ---- \\ **Please [[http://doodle.com/hgfnmspxa3sb3mhb|pre-register]]!** Just write your nick and click twice.\\ This will allow us to make sure we have \\ enough supplies and equipment for all of you. ---- ==== Other Events ==== Some weekend evening: A meeting over a beverage-of-your-choice with Mitch at the Cross Club? Let's chat about technology, hacking, inventing things, life and happiness... ==== Promotion ==== Poster (CMYK in pdf format): * {{:event:mitchaltmanposter.pdf|}} A3 * {{:event:mitchaltmanposterpresahy.pdf|}} A3 with bleed (3 mm)