{{template>~infobox| name=Magic nfc cards| image=EDITME| organizer=[[user:abyssal]]| datetime=TBD| place=brmlab| stream=[[stream]] }} Status: already ordered. * https://www.rfxsecure.com/product/gen2-uid-changeable-fobs-1k-mf-4k-mf-ul-ul-c-df-ntag21x/ * https://www.rfxsecure.com/product/icode-sli-icode-slix-uid-custom-inlay/ (these are used for skiing lifts) Write here if you are interested in buying magic NFC cards, which kind and how many: ^ Who ^ What ^ Price (USD) ^ | abyssal | 1 Magic Desfire keyfobs, 2 Magic NTAG21x, 2 Magic ISO-15693 | 143.50 | | niekt0 | 1 Magic Desfire keyfob, 1 Magic NTAG21x, 1 Magic ISO-15693 | 89.25 | | your name/nick here | count of cards/types you want | |