{{template>~infobox| name=33c3, Congress everywhere| image=33c3-logo.png| organizer=[[user:ruza]]| datetime=27-30.12.2016| place=brmlab| stream=N/A }} ===== #33C3, Congress everywhere ===== Got no ticket for [[event:33c3|33c3]]? No t0ken? Missed the bus? No problem. There is an brmlab space available to watch streams, talk about topics, etc. with like-minded people. Its cheaper, its local. This event page would possibly became bilingual since talks are mainly in English. In our space You will have the opportunity to discuss topics in English and Czech. Expect that this event will be **more or less self-organized**. ==== Timeline ==== === 2016-12-27, 10:30-23:59 === There are regular meetups on every Tuesday in brmlab. There is an free time in the streaming program from 19:30 to 20:30 that could be used for the brmlab meetup purpose. [[https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2016/Fahrplan/schedule/0.html|Fahrplan, Day 1]] === 2016-12-28, 11:00-23:59 === [[https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2016/Fahrplan/schedule/1.html|Fahrplan, Day 2]] === 2016-12-29, 11:00-23:59 === [[https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2016/Fahrplan/schedule/2.html|Fahrplan, Day 3]] === 2016-12-30, 11:00-21:00 === [[https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2016/Fahrplan/schedule/3.html|Fahrplan, Day 4]] ==== Tracks ==== At the CCC there are 4 parallel tracks (1,2,G,6) of talks. We'd be probably organize 2 parallel streaming sessions in brmlab (SocRoom, HWlab, biolab). We can have e.g Hall1 stream in SocRoom and Hall2 in a different room, most likely it will be organized based on visitors interest or some voting principle. Since there are 4 tracks of talks and we will definitely not watch all of them bring yourself an laptop and headphones for the case you'd want to watch an alternative stream. * **Hall 1**, irc: [[irc://irc.hackint.eu/#33C3-hall-1|#33C3-hall-1]] * **Hall 2**, irc: [[irc://irc.hackint.eu/#33C3-hall-2|#33C3-hall-2]] * **Hall G**, irc: [[irc://irc.hackint.eu/#33C3-hall-G|#33C3-hall-G]] * **Hall 6**, irc: [[irc://irc.hackint.eu/#33C3-hall-6|#33C3-hall-6]] [default] cache = 8192 alias 33c3-s1="mplayer https://dekan.cch.c3voc.de/s1_native_sd.webm" alias 33c3-s2="mplayer https://dekan.cch.c3voc.de/s2_native_sd.webm" alias 33c3-s3="mplayer https://dekan.cch.c3voc.de/s3_native_sd.webm" alias 33c3-s4="mplayer https://dekan.cch.c3voc.de/s4_native_sd.webm" alias 33c3-s1-m3="mplayer http://live.bn.c3voc.de/hls/s1_native_sd.m3u8" alias 33c3-s2-m3="mplayer http://live.bn.c3voc.de/hls/s2_native_sd.m3u8" alias 33c3-s3-m3="mplayer http://live.bn.c3voc.de/hls/s3_native_sd.m3u8" alias 33c3-s4-m3="mplayer http://live.bn.c3voc.de/hls/s4_native_sd.m3u8" ==== Ucastnici ==== * Utery 27.12. * Streda 28.12. * Ctvrtek 29.12. * Patek 30.12. ==== Links ==== * [[https://events.ccc.de/congress/2016/wiki/Congress_Everywhere|33c3 Congress Everywhere oficial wiki]] * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ligi.fahrplan|33C3 FahrPlan Schedule Android app]] ==== Organizace ==== * SocRoom * projektor (NEC) a ozvuceni v socroom - ready * sekundarni track (HW/bio-lab) * druhy projektor by ruza je v HW lab, promitame z PC repraper * treti projektor (Acer) - funkcni (v obraze maji sice vsichni trochu zelene xichty, ale poladenim barevnych pomeru to lze nastavit do prijatelneho stavu, barevnou vernost necekejte) * ozvuceni - ozvuceni zvuci * platno - platno platnuje * 33c3 streaming center contact - @c3streaming, IRC at irc.hackint.eu/#voc-lounge.