====== 29C3 Congress Everywhere ====== {{template>~infobox| name=29C3 Congress Everywhere| image=29c3.jpg| organizer=[[user:stick]], [[user:sargon]]| datetime=27.12.2012 - 30.12.2012| place=brmlab| stream=yes }} Streaming of 29C3 talks at our place. We'll start everyday around noon. More info soon. * http://events.ccc.de/congress/2012/Fahrplan/ * https://events.ccc.de/congress/2012/wiki/Congress_everywhere#Czech_Republic At the same time there is EHSM taking place in Berlin. We can live-stream talks from there as well if there is an interest. * http://ehsm.eu/schedule.html ===== Register ===== Register at [[http://doodle.com/3i6t83zxmktd8py4|this doodle]] so we can guess how many people want to attend and which days/hours.